Dominican Republic - Promoting sustainable cooling


The Dominican Republic's (DR) revised NDC calls for mitigation measures in energy efficiency in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector and the Government of the Dominican Republic is taking measures to deliver more sustainable space cooling and refrigeration, including preparations for HFC phase down. These measures include the approval process for an Energy Efficiency Law soon to be adopted. 

The Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has requested support to strengthen its capacity to deliver energy efficiency co-benefits as it implements a HFC phase-down under the Kigali Amendment and its sustainable cooling roadmap.



The project will: 

  • Increase the capacity of the government of the Dominican Republic to develop a new energy efficiency program. 
  • Raise awareness on energy efficiency in air conditioning equipment. 
  • Explore the feasibility of an energy efficiency testing laboratory. 

To achieve these outcomes the project will:

  • Deliver training on sustainable purchase and use of air conditioning to decrease the GHG emissions from public buildings.
  • Design a multi-year programme and funding proposal on energy efficient and climate friendly cooling that includes the adoption of energy efficiency standards and labels, and the creation of a national testing laboratory for cooling products.
  • Raise awareness on energy efficiency in air-conditioning equipment to complement awareness raising efforts on HFC phase-down supported by the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol.
  • Conduct a feasibility assessment of an accredited energy efficiency testing laboratory. 

Project reference: Dominican Republic - Promoting sustainable cooling [DO-22-002]