Jordan - Helping Jordan meet its NDC targets for the waste sector

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners

Jordan's expanding urbanisation and population increases have not been accompanied by proper waste management practices. In Jordan, municipal solid waste management is largely the responsibility of local municipalities. Current practices of cost recovery (mainly the solid waste fee system) are insufficient, and revenue is not covering the cost of offering the services, with the shortfall (40-70%) subsidised by the municipality's own budget.

Measuring the impact of waste on climate change with the protocols developed in this programme will help evaluate the real impact of waste in Jordan and might support changes to the solid waste fee system to ensure operation and maintenance costs are met. The role, and potentially the organisation of informal waste-pickers will also be considered as this plays an important part in providing income to poor communities, and reduces the cost of formal waste management.

The Government of Jordan is actively prioritising sustainability as a key priorities, and has taken action against climate change, such as the Green Growth National Action Plan 2021-2015, where the waste sector is seen as an opportunity to both reduce climate change impacts and increase economic growth. 

This project responds to a request by the Jordan’s Ministry of Environment to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of waste sector targets in Jordan’s updated 2021 NDC. It also seeks to develop an integrated GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant assessment to further guide waste sector activities in Jordan. 


This project aims to: 

  • Increase the capacity of Jordan’s government to account for greenhouse gas emissions in the waste sector and assess tools to support SLCP mitigation. 
  • Create a strategy for Jordan’s government to implement mitigation options in the waste sector and fulfils its NDC commitments. 



To achieve these objectives the project will:

  • Deliver training workshops and support tools to representatives from the Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Local Administration (MoLA), and Greater Amman Municipality on the development of a national GHG inventory for the waste sector. This includes training on refined data methodologies, the identification of climate change indicators, and on the best available technologies and practices for solid waste management and treatment. 
  • Deliver an integrated GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant assessment for the waste sector and recommendations for inclusion of GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant mitigation in Jordan’s waste portfolio that will help the country achieve its NDC targets.  
  • Create a portfolio of proposal concepts for projects that would help Jordan to establish an integrated waste management system that is compatible with its climate response targets. This will build on the integrated GHG, SLCP, and air pollutant assessment for the sector. Proposal concepts could include establishing MSW sanitary landfills with landfill gas capture and use, composting facilities, and anaerobic digestion plants, among others. 


Project reference: Jordan - Helping Jordan meet its NDC targets for the waste sector [JO-22-002]