Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap [MD-23-002]

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners


Moldova has signed the Global Methane Pledge, and must take steps to contribute to the collective goal of reducing methane emissions by 30% of 2020 levels by 2030, as well as achieve the co-benefit of emissions mitigation. 

It is estimated that Moldova could achieve a 20% reduction in methane emissions in the next 10 years, but for this we need a restrictive legislation a specially in waste sector, then in industry and agriculture.

To move to mitigation action Moldova requires a sufficient legislative and regulatory base as well as awareness campaigns undertaken, to reach and sensibilize the citizens, businesses, farmers, and authorities.   

This project responds to a request made by the Ministry of Environment of Moldova to strengthen capacity to assess and model short-lived climate pollutant emissions (SLCP) and inform the 2025 NDC update.



This project aims to:

  • Develop a national SLCP plan which can be endorsed by The Government of Moldova.
  • Develop a national methane roadmap which can be endorsed by The Government of Moldova.
  • Enable The Government of Moldova to include recommendations from the National Methane Roadmap, SLCP mitigation measures and/or SLCP mitigation targets in its updated NDC by 2025.
  • Increase the capacity of The Government of Moldova to assess and model their SLCP emissions, to prioritise and implement measures, and to track progress by the end of the project.

This project is expected to deliver a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap for Moldova, with recommendations on integrating SLCP mitigation measures in the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

To achieve these objectives the project will:

  • Update Moldova's greenhouse gas and short-lived climate pollutant inventory and mitigation assessment, along with recommendations for emissions’ mitigation 
  • Conduct an assessment to identify gaps in existing commitments and policies for methane mitigation, including a cost-benefit analysis of implementation in high-emitting sectors.
  • Conduct an assessment of the institutional arrangements for implementation and develop a monitoring and evaluation framework.
  • Conduct capacity building workshops to increase The Government of Moldova's capacity to asses and model their SLCP emissions, to prioritise and implement measures, and to track progress. 

Project reference: [MD-23-002] Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap