Rwanda - Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap [RW-23-001]

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)

This project responds to a request made by Rwanda's Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Ministry of Environment to build capacity across relevant ministries to assess and reduce short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions.


This project aims to:

  • Develop a national SLCP plan which can be endorsed by The Government of Rwanda.
  • Develop a national methane roadmap which can be endorsed by The Government of Rwanda.
  • Enable The Government of Rwanda to adopt and monitoring reporting and verification framework for SLCP emissions from priority sectors.
  • Enable The Government of Rwanda to integrate SLCP measures or targets, including recommended methane actions and/or targets, into its NDC by 2025.
  • Increase the capacity of The Government of Rwanda to assess and address SLCP emissions.

This project is expected to develop a National SLCP Plan and a National Methane Roadmap that will inform Rwanda’s 2025 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) update. This will be accompanied by workshops and trainings on mitigation SLCPs across relevant sectors.

  • Develop a national SLCP Plan for Rwanda. 
  • Develop a national methane roadmap in line with a modality agreed with the CCAC Secretariat. 
  • Develop an integrated greenhouse gas and SLCP monitoring, reporting, and verification framework.
  • Develop recommendations to include SLCP emissions reduction measures and/or targets in Rwanda’s updated NDC in 2025.
  • Provide capacity building for government agencies on SLCP analysis, including on monitoring, reporting, verification.
  • Conduct target outreach events and meetings to raise awareness of the impacts of SLCP and Methane emissions. 


Project reference: [RW-23-001] Rwanda – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap