Guidelines & Tools

Including non-CO₂ pollutants in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)


Including non-CO₂ pollutants in the upcoming round of NDCs (NDC 3.0) is critical to preserving the 1.5°C temperature limit and fully achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

Deep cuts of non-CO₂ super pollutants, including methane, black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons, and N₂O – many of which are short lived climate pollutants – will help prevent warming in the next few decades, providing protection to people and ecosystems as decarbonisation efforts advance and take effect.

Beyond stronger mitigation results, addressing non- CO₂ pollutants offers multiple benefits that bolster air quality and health, food and energy security, and sustainable economic development.

This Guidance recommends that all parties' NDC 3.0:

  • Include non-CO₂  mitigation goals and measures as part of the economy-wide target in all relevant sectors;
  • Integrate air quality planning and implementation to increase climate and health benefits;
  • Leverage related and complementary agreements, strategies, and initiatives to optimize resources, institutional support and implementation;
  • Ensure a comprehensive assessment and reporting approach in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework to drive finance, resources, and information into NDC development and implementation.

The CCAC Guidance provides practical and strategic recommendations for experts and teams involved in preparing NDC 3.0 on how to set goals and identify specific measures suitable to the national context. 

The Guidance focuses on a set of priority pollutants in five distinct chapters. The first chapter anchors the recommendations within the mandate of the Paris Agreement, providing a roadmap for how to identify, assess, confirm, and gain support for addressing the non- CO₂ goals and measures. 

The Guidance chapters address four categories of pollutants: 

The guidance offers recommendations for goals and measures that can enhance NDC 3.0, covering mitigation, adaptation, means of implementation, and how to comply with reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework and upcoming Biennial Transparency Report (BTR).