Iraq – Waste sector strategy to support NDC Action Plan and NAMA projects Waste Iraq – Waste sector strategy to support NDC Action Plan and NAMA projects
Jordan - Deliver policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation National policy and planning Jordan - Deliver policy analysis and recommendations on SLCP mitigation
Iraq - Deliver a national methane emission inventory and mitigation assessment for the oil and gas sector to support Iraq meet its mitigation goals Fossil fuels Iraq - Deliver a national methane emission inventory and mitigation assessment for the oil and gas sector to support Iraq meet its mitigation goals
Establishing a roadmap for closing an open dumpsite for healthy communities and SLCP reduction - Tyre, Lebanon Waste Establishing a roadmap for closing an open dumpsite for healthy communities and SLCP reduction - Tyre, Lebanon
Jordan – Institutional strengthening support National policy and planning Jordan – Institutional strengthening support
Demonstration of non-HFC alternatives to HCFC-22 in retail installations in countries with high ambient temperatures Cooling Demonstration of non-HFC alternatives to HCFC-22 in retail installations in countries with high ambient temperatures