Closed Philippines - Deliver a national rice sub-sector strategy for SLCP mitigation - PH-24-002 by CCAC - 4 July, 2024 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Calls For Proposals 2024 Calls For Proposals: Projects To Advance National Policy and Mitigation Actions Philippines - Deliver a National Rice Sub-sector Strategy For SLCP Mitigation - PH-24-002 OverviewThis project responds to the request from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to develop a national rice sub-sector strategy for short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) mitigation and strengthened policy measures for methane mitigation in the sector. The SLCP mitigation policy recommendations should support the implementation of the SLCP plan that is underway and should inform the Philippines’ 2025 NDC.The project should build on relevant assessments and recommendations in the Philippines’ national SLCP plan and contribute to the Philippines’ commitments to the Global Methane Pledge.More information on the Philippine’s work on SLCPs is available on its Partner Page.Who to involveDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Agriculture National universitiesExpected resultsOutcome 1: The Government of the Philippines endorses the Rice Sub-Sector Strategy by project completion or shortly after. Indicator: Number of action plans, roadmaps, strategies, or other future plans with SLCP targets or mitigation measures. Output 1.1: A Rice Sub-Sector Strategy drafted, including at a minimum: A national study on the impacts of SLCPs on agricultural productivityUpdated national emissions Tier 2 inventory for the agriculture sectorReview of current laws, policies and regulations Review of the different production systems throughout different regions of the countryStakeholder mappingSLCP mitigation potential from the rice cultivation and agriculture sector SLCP mitigation options including mitigation potential of new technologiesCost of implementation and sources of funding Co-benefits assessment on health, food security and economyPrioritized policy recommendationsShort- and long-term priorities based on speed, impactRecommended policy interventionsEstimated costResponsible partiesProgress indicators and monitoring approachesRecommendations to enhance the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Output 1.2: Consultation meetings conducted with relevant stakeholders such as researchers, farmers, farmer organizations, private sector institutions (agricultural development banks, food processors and distributors) and policymakers.Outcome 2: The Government of the Philippines integrates SLCP reduction targets and/or mitigation measures for the agriculture sector in its 2025 updated NDC. Indicator: Number of NDCs targeting SLCPs.Output 2.1: Recommendations to include agriculture SLCP mitigation measures and/or SLCP reduction targets in the Philippines next updated NDC drafted.Outcome 3: Relevant government ministries have improved capacity for planning and monitoring by the end of the project.Indicator: Number of government entities with a demonstrated improved capacity for SLCP action in the agriculture sector. Output 3.1: Assessment of capacity to implement the national rice sub-sector strategy for short-lived climate pollutants conducted among relevant government agencies. Output 3.2: Workshop/s to implement the strategy provided to responsible government agencies. APPLICATION PROCESsEligibility requirementsTo be eligible for consideration, project proposals must meet the following requirements:Complete and submitted before the deadlineSubmitted by a non-governmental organization (NGO), intergovernmental organization (IGO), or other not-for-profit entity. Requested funding is within the estimated budget amount, or includes a clear justification for additional expenses Project duration is less than 24 monthsBudget criteria are met and spending caps on expenses are respected. Please note that entities will be required to provide the last three (3) audited financial statements to be eligible for CCAC funding. These statements may be provided along with the application for funding or at the request of the CCAC Secretariat during the evaluation process.For-profit entities may only participate in the project as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success. How to applyEligible applicants are invited to apply using the Application Form and Excel Budget Form. Specific instructions on completing these forms are available in both documents.Applicants may choose to follow the cost range proposed above OR propose a different budget supported by a clear justification. However, applicants should note that cost efficiency will play a significant role in the selection process.The completed Application Form and Excel Budget Form should be submitted to secretariat [at] criteriaProposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:Presents a clear plan to achieve the required outcomes during the lifetime of the project or soon afterIncludes a plan or activities to enable the scaling up of, replication of, or sustained use of project results over timeSets out a clear approach for enabling or contributing to SLCP emissions reductions and resulting co-benefitsInvolves relevant stakeholders Approach is grounded in a strong understanding of relevant risksComplements other relevant initiatives, funding mechanisms, and existing policy processesApplicant demonstrates necessary capacity and experience to perform the workA realistic, cost-effective, and clearly justified budget and approach is proposedProject meets the minimum requirements for the OECD DAC gender equality marker Score 1 Selection processA preliminary review of proposals submitted by the deadline will be conducted by members of the CCAC Secretariat, Funding Task Team, and Board, in consultation with relevant CCAC Partners. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present their proposals in further detail and to respond to follow-up questions about their application.Successful applicants will be invited to develop a Project Implementation Plan and Detailed Budget in consultation with the CCAC Secretariat and relevant CCAC Partners.The selection process may take up to 6 months after the closing date of the call for proposals. Due to the high volume of requests, the CCAC will not respond to requests for updates or feedback during this time.NOTE: DUE DILIGENCE In addition to eligibility criteria outlined above, qualified UNEP/CCAC implementers* must meet the following criteria: Have adequate financial resources to perform the contract and meet all existing commitments (financial health)Be able to provide proof of registration, proof of not-for-profit status and audited financial statements for the last three completed fiscal years Have a record of satisfactory performance with UNEP/CCAC, when applicable; and - Not have been suspended or debarred by UNEP/CCAC or another UN agency. UNEP/CCAC also considers entities included in the Security Council Resolution Lists to be ineligible for UNEP/CCAC agreements.* (inter)governmental entities/ United Nations are exempt from this requirementProcurementAs a general rule, Implementation Agreements allow for incidental procurement only, and as such, total costs in the following categories must fall below a certain threshold*:Contractual ServicesEquipment, Vehicles and FurnitureOperating and other Direct costsSupplies, Commodities and Materials*Agreements of $200,000 and below: up to $20,000 or 15% of total budget, whichever is lower.*Agreements of above $200,000: up to $40,000 or 15%. * United Nations agencies are exempt from this requirement Highlights Opening: 5 July, 2024 Closing: 30 August, 2024 Estimated project cost $300,000