Supporting policies that integrate climate and clean air objectives

The National Policy and Planning Hub supports countries in assessing their short-lived climate pollutant emissions and mitigation options in a prioritised, targeted and cost-effective manner.  

Fast action to control short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) can deliver substantial climate and air quality benefits. Achieving the full benefit of SLCP reductions requires action at the national scale, where decisions regulating industry, the environment, and the economy are made. 


The CCAC pursues an ambitious goal that by 2030 all State Partners have further integrated air quality and climate planning and have implemented SLCP mitigation actions. 

By 2025, state partners will have undertaken steps to: 

  • Develop, prioritise and endorse SLCP mitigation strategies and/or plans consistent with their commitments to support global climate goals and national air quality standards, including estimates of cost
  • Include SLCP mitigation priorities in their national climate plans and/or other relevant national air quality or development plans, policies, and reports and into national and sub-national policymaking
  • Demonstrate that integrated climate and air quality plans are under implementation
  • Develop institutionalised monitoring of implementation of planned SLCP measures and measurement and reporting systems that can track progress in taking action and reducing emissions and impact
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To achieve the above goals for all CCAC State Partners, the CCAC will encourage:

  • The development and endorsement of integrated air quality and climate plans and strategies at national and sub-national scales, developed with clear identification of mitigation actions to be implemented;
  • that priority mitigation actions identified in plans and strategies are financed, implemented and monitored; and
  • that best practices for increasing action on SLCP mitigation are identified and shared.


The National Planning Hub is co-led by Cote d’Ivoire and United States. Co-leadership by countries ensures government engagement and ownership of the solutions. Co-leads provide valuable insights into the policy process to help ensure implementation is practical from a national perspective.

The National Planning Leadership Group consists of both state and non-state members that provide guidance and expertise, and connect the Hub to activities underway beyond the CCAC.

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