El Salvador - National SLCP Plan and Methane Roadmap    National policy and planning El Salvador - National SLCP Plan and Methane Roadmap   
Guatemala - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap  National policy and planning Guatemala - Develop a national SLCP plan to mainstream SLCP mitigation into existing policy and methane roadmap 
Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting National policy and planning Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting
Senegal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Senegal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Rwanda - Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Rwanda - Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Nepal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Nepal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update National policy and planning Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update
Cameroon – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Cameroon – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Develop a National SLCP Plan, National Methane Roadmap, and MRV Framework National policy and planning Bosnia and Herzegovina – Develop a National SLCP Plan, National Methane Roadmap, and MRV Framework
Side event Towards emissions data transparency: Guiding the Methane Observatory collaboration to drive local climate solutions
Training, workshop Coal Mine Methane - CCAC M-RAP NDC Enhancement Opportunities and Examples Workshop
Training, workshop Oil and Gas methane - CCAC M-RAP NDC Enhancement Opportunities and Examples Workshop
CCAC National SLCP Expert for the Dominican Republic Job opening 23 Dec 2024 CCAC National SLCP Expert for the Dominican Republic
Including and quantifying methane mitigation in NDCs is key to a better climate outcome Blog 12 Nov 2024 Including and quantifying methane mitigation in NDCs is key to a better climate outcome
Key Takeaways from the NDC 3.0 Regional Forum for Africa News 25 Oct 2024 Key Takeaways from the NDC 3.0 Regional Forum for Africa
Key Takeaways from the NDC 3.0 Regional Forum for the Middle East and North Africa News 11 Oct 2024 Key Takeaways from the NDC 3.0 Regional Forum for the Middle East and North Africa