Liberia – Develop a Waste Sector Strategy that reduces emissions of black carbon from open burning Waste Liberia – Develop a Waste Sector Strategy that reduces emissions of black carbon from open burning
Morocco - Enforcement of Euro VI standards Heavy-duty vehicles and engines Morocco - Enforcement of Euro VI standards
Panama – Accelerating actions to improve organic waste management and reduce methane emissions Waste Panama – Accelerating actions to improve organic waste management and reduce methane emissions
Philippines - Deliver a national rice sub-sector strategy for SLCP mitigation Agriculture Philippines - Deliver a national rice sub-sector strategy for SLCP mitigation
Develop a methane strategy for Rwanda's livestock sub-sector sector and a funding proposal for upscaling anaerobic digestion of livestock manure Develop a methane strategy for Rwanda's livestock sub-sector sector and a funding proposal for upscaling anaerobic digestion of livestock manure
Rwanda - Strengthen capacity for sustainable cooling and refrigeration Cooling Rwanda - Strengthen capacity for sustainable cooling and refrigeration
Foster methane mitigation in Morocco's agriculture sector Agriculture Foster methane mitigation in Morocco's agriculture sector
Brazil – Reducing methane emissions intensity from the livestock sector Agriculture Brazil – Reducing methane emissions intensity from the livestock sector
Crop Residue Improvement to Reduce Emissions from Livestock: Action Plan for Ethiopia and Nepal Agriculture Crop Residue Improvement to Reduce Emissions from Livestock: Action Plan for Ethiopia and Nepal
Nigeria - Develop a strategy and project pipeline for mitigating methane emissions from waste dumps Waste Nigeria - Develop a strategy and project pipeline for mitigating methane emissions from waste dumps
Argentina - Develop a roadmap to reduce methane emissions intensity from beef cattle sector Agriculture Argentina - Develop a roadmap to reduce methane emissions intensity from beef cattle sector
Liberia - Develop national sulfur fuel standards and the capacity to enforce mandatory vehicle inspection Heavy-duty vehicles and engines Liberia - Develop national sulfur fuel standards and the capacity to enforce mandatory vehicle inspection
Waste to Wealth: Using innovative gender-responsive business models to turn organic market waste into organic fertiliser and animal feeds (WAWE) Waste to Wealth: Using innovative gender-responsive business models to turn organic market waste into organic fertiliser and animal feeds (WAWE)
Accelerating E-Cooking Uptake in Africa and South Asia Household Energy Accelerating E-Cooking Uptake in Africa and South Asia
Advancing Implementation of Pakistan’s National Clean Air Policy Through Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies Household Energy Advancing Implementation of Pakistan’s National Clean Air Policy Through Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies