Africa Clean Air Programme (ACAP)

Improving air quality, combating climate change, and advancing sustainable development in Africa

Super pollutants, and their impact on air quality, can poison our communities and accelerate the worst effects of climate change, putting both health and economies under stress. Air pollution and climate change are a particularly deadly duo for Africa, disproportionally harming women, children, the elderly, the poor, and children.  

Across the continent, approximately 1 million people die prematurely per year due to the health impacts of poor air quality.  Africa receives the least amount of support to address air quality, with merely 3.7% of total development assistance being invested in the continent. Simply put, there has never been a more important time to address air pollution and climate, particularly in Africa.   

What is ACAP?

In 2022, the CCAC and UNEP partnered with the African Union Commission to produce the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa.  This report clearly demonstrates that tangible and ready-to-go solutions can quickly address these challenges, including 37 actionable measures across 5 sectors: transport, residential, energy, agriculture, and waste.  

The African Union Commission has endorsed the creation of an Africa Clean Air Programme. With the CCAC support, this continent-wide initiative will be designed by Africa, for Africa, taking into consideration the distinct regional needs and opportunities.

The Africa Clean Air Programme will serve as a vital platform for regional cooperation, advancing Africa’s response to the intertwined challenges of air pollution and climate change, and further supports the goals of Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, Africa’s blueprint and masterplan for transforming the continent into the global powerhouse of the future.  

“To tackle super pollutants, we need coordinated action across all levels, from local cities, national governments, regions, as well as continued continental support through the AUC.  The Africa Clean Air Programme, with its built-in partnerships, knowledge-sharing, and collaborations across all African countries, will help us build more climate-resilient communities across the continent.”
H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, African Union Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment

The Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa

Recognising the link between air pollution and climate change, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) initiated the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa 

Published in 2022 by UNEP, the assessment was a collaborative effort led by UNEP Regional Office for Africa, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, the African Union Commission, and Stockholm Environment Institute, with input from over 100 African scientists and institutions.

The report identifies 37 mitigation measures across five key sectors—transport, residential energy, energy generation and industry, agriculture, and waste management—aiming to address air pollution and climate change while supporting sustainable development goals and Africa’s Agenda 2063. By implementing these measures, Africa can prevent 880,000 premature deaths annually by 2063, improve crop yields, and align with a 1.5°C global warming pathway. 

Read the full assessment here.

A Path Forward, CCAC Support to the ACAP

Building on over a decade of action with 25 country partners in Africa and more than 100 ongoing projects across five key sectors, the CCAC plays a critical role in advancing ACAP. Initial CCAC support - with the Stockholm Environment Institute as an implementing partner - focuses on:  

  • Assisting in the development of a continental roadmap and regional implementation plans aligned with the African Union Commission (AUC) vision for transformative development.  
  • Reviewing air quality standards, conducting a gap analysis, and offering recommendations to enhance regional air quality regulatory frameworks.  
  • Establishing an advisory group of key stakeholders to provide strategic guidance, identify outreach opportunities, and ensure alignment with relevant initiatives.  
  • Creating regional nodes to assess the implementation of air quality regulations and strengthen capacity across Africa.  

This support will directly advance the implementation of the 37 recommended mitigation measures outlined in the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa. 

Additionally, as announced by Nigeria at the CCAC Super Pollutant Ministerial in September 2024, CCAC has pledged $1 million USD to support the ACAP startup phase. This funding will scale up country-led initiatives, strengthen institutional capacities, and promote collaboration across Regional Economic Communities (RECs), driving progress toward cleaner air and a sustainable, resilient future for Africa.  

For more information, explore the following links:

September 2024
Nigeria Announced the Pledge of US$1 Million

Official announcement by Nigeria of US$1 million in funding support for the start –up phase of ACAP during the CCAC Ministerial in New York City. This funding was approved by the CCAC Board.

August 2024
12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa

Inception meeting of the ACAP in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on the margin of the 12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA XXII). Session organized by AUC, attended by the assessment partners: CCAC, UNEP-ROA, SEI, plus additional experts and stakeholders in the air quality management community in Africa. The session culminated to the development of the five pillars of the Program, as advised by the AUC.

October 2023
5th AUC STC General Assembly

Sharing and reporting of the assessment to the 5th AUC STC General Assembly, leading to further recommendations to urge the AUC with its assessment partners, to continue capacity building actions and leading on the implementation of the continent-wide programme.

September 2023
Africa Integrated Assessment

Results of the Integrated Assessment  discussed at the 19th Ordinary Session of AMCEN held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

February 2023
Partnership roundtable convened

It sets the stage for establishing a community of practice on integrated air pollution and climate change action in Africa and outlines milestones for developing an implementation framework


September 2022
18th Session of AMCEN

Final report on the Integrated Assessment was presented at the 18th Session of AMCEN, on 14th September 2022 in Dakar, Senegal and a decision on implementation was made.