Non-CO₂ Pollutants in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Supporting national action to reach the Paris Agreement target to limit global warming to 1.5°C

To support national and global efforts to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and keep the 1.5°C temperature limit within reach, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition urges countries to include non-CO₂ pollutants in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Why Prioritise non-CO₂ Pollutants?

Non-CO₂ pollutants, including short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) such as methane, HFCs, black carbon, and tropospheric ozone, as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) and HCFCs, play a crucial role in delivering climate action. Addressing both CO₂ and non-CO₂ pollutants in NDCs affords countries the greatest mitigation, adaptation, and development benefits.

Combining air pollution and climate change strategies by targeting SLCPs can enhance national climate outcomes. This approach not only slows near-term temperature rise but also brings immediate benefits for public health, food security and economic development. 

Solutions to reduce non-CO₂ emissions are frequently readily available at low or negative cost with accessible technology, generating income, preventing additional indirect costs, and generating benefits across multiple sectors. These solutions help use resources efficiently and foster cooperation between government ministries and among stakeholders.

Read the Guidance here

What is an NDC? 

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the climate pledges that Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement are required to prepare, communicate and maintain to achieve the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Agreement. Parties have agreed to prepare ambitious NDCs every five years, with the next round (NDC 3.0) due in late February 2025. Each update should progressively increase ambition through steeper, and comprehensive, emissions cuts and more expansive adaptation measures.


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which established the Paris Agreement.

Including Super Pollutants in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC 3.0)

Incorporating the non-CO₂ pollutants – often referred to as “super pollutants” –  in the NDC 3.0 update is critical for safeguarding the 1.5°C limit and for fully achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Reducing non-CO₂ pollutants is complementary to ongoing efforts to achieve net-zero CO₂ emissions. 

Deep cuts of these pollutants, many of which are short lived climate pollutants, can avoid significant additional warming and reduce the rate of warming in the next few decades, providing protection to people and ecosystems as decarbonisation efforts advance and take effect.

Addressing non-CO₂ pollutants not only enhances mitigation results but also improves air quality, public health, food and energy security, and sustainable economic development.

In support of these outcomes, the CCAC has developed comprehensive guidance on how to address non-CO₂ pollutants in the NDCs 3.0 update. 

The Guidance recommends that all Parties:
•    Include non-CO₂ mitigation goals and measures as part of the economy-wide target in all relevant sectors.
•    Integrate air quality planning and implementation to maximize climate and health benefits.
•    Leverage related and complementary agreements, strategies, and initiatives to optimize resources, institutional support and implementation.
•    Put in place a comprehensive assessment and reporting approach, in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework, to drive finance, resources, and information into NDC development and implementation.

Discover which countries include short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in their NDCs with the map below.

Our NDC support

Through our project funding, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) supports countries’ efforts to assess their SLCP emissions and address them through strategies and regulations. 

These assessments provide the evidence needed to include SLCPs measures in NDCs and build capacity within governments to mobilise resources for action.  

We have produced a practical framework to help develop an integrated climate change and air pollution mitigation analysis to assess the effects of different policies. Applying this framework can provide the basis for enhancing your NDC with the SLCP actions being taken in your country. The guidance also provides information to help increase the clarity, transparency and understanding of your climate change pledges.  Click here to access the framework.

Mongolia has identified the potential air pollution mitigation benefits that can be achieved with enhanced commitments in their revised NDCs.


Dominican Republic has created emissions inventories and potential future mitigation scenarios to generate a recommendation report for the country's NDC revision process. 


Colombia’s has included a 40% reduction target for black carbon by 2030 in its revised NDC. The target was informed by the National SLCP Strategy developed with the CCAC. 


Benin has received CCAC support to include measures from its National Report on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants into its revised NDCs. 


The Maldives has integrated existing sectoral plans with its NDC targets to create a comprehensive National Action Plan on Air Pollutants.


Nigeria is working to implement its National SLCP Plan and integrate SLCPs into relevant planning processes, including the revised NDC.


Examples of sectoral commitments

The number of Nationally Determined Contributions that explicitly mention short-lived climate pollutants and air pollution in 2022 was more than double that in the previous round of submissions. Methane was included in 90% of submissions and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in 50%. Black carbon, which is not a greenhouse gas, but is a strong climate-forcing particle and air pollutant, was included in fourteen.

Countries have included targets and mitigation measures across the main emitting sectors.


  • Kenya: Implementing climate smart agriculture in line with the Kenya CSA Strategy with emphasis on efficient livestock management systems. 
  • Mongolia: Regulating and reducing the livestock number; improving livestock manure management. 
  • Vietnam: Applying management and technology solutions in cultivation and husbandry; improving diets for animals; shifting crop production structures; changing land-use methods; applying technology to treat and reuse by-products and waste in agriculture and livestock production; developing organic agriculture. 


  • Rwanda: Phasing out use of clamp kilns; applying energy efficiency measures in the brick manufacturing industry. 
  • Bangladesh: Implementing energy-efficient brick kilns. 


  • United States of America: Implementing the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons. 
  • Bosnia – Herzegovina: Increasing the efficiency of heating and cooling systems; implementing energy efficiency labeling; banning imports of used heating and cooling equipment. 
  • Cambodia: Implementing climate-friendly cooling of public sector buildings; implementing their National Cooling Action Plan; enhancing the minimum energy performance standards and beginning an F-gas transition for room air conditioners and residential refrigerators targeting the new & existing equipment stock in the country. 

Fossil fuels

  • United States of America: Updating standards and investing in plugging leaks from wells and mines across the natural gas distribution infrastructure. 

Household Energy

  • Bangladesh: Generating a new National Action Plan for Clean Cooking in Bangladesh (2020-2030). 
  • Rwanda: Disseminating modern efficient cook stoves to 80% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population by 2030; achieving a more sustainable balance between supply and demand of biomass; reducing firewood and fossil energy consumption for cooking. 


  • Bangladesh: Enhancing railway transport networks; enhancing fuel quality; introducing Euro III and IV vehicle standards. 
  • Mongolia: Introducing Euro-5 standard fuels; switching coal export transportation from vehicles to rail transport; switching the heating of passenger trains to electric heating. 
  • Maldives: Establishing vehicle and vessel emissions standards; establishing an efficient transport management system; promoting hybrid vehicles. 


  • Bangladesh: Establishing bio-gas plants to reduce landfill emissions. 
  • Cambodia: Establishing new sanitary landfills with landfill gas extraction; composting biodegradable organics from MSW, supplemented with separating organic waste at the source. 

Modeling tools

Modeling tools are used to both identify potential sources for emission reductions and quantify the ensuing benefits of mitigation measures.  


The CCAC and its partners disseminate resources that highlight sector-specific best practices and provide guidance on how to increase the ambition of NDCs.  




Fossil fuels



National Planning