
The Coalition’s annual Climate & Clean Air Ministerial Meeting provides strategic guidance and leadership for the Coalition. Government ministers from partner countries and heads of partner organisations participate in the meeting. 

The Coalition does not have an observer status, however Ministerial meetings are sometimes made open to other stakeholders approved by decision of the Coalition. Interested parties are encouraged to approach the Secretariat.   

At the most recent ministerial meeting in 2022, EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson launched the new CCAC-UNEP Baseline Methane Emissions Projections through 2030 report, which shows that the amount of methane in the atmosphere is increasing at record rates and makes an ever-stronger case for urgent action.  

The 2022 meeting also saw ministers from several countries announce new commitments to the CCAC Trust Fund and encourage additional pledges. Ministers also encouraged developing countries to respond to the CCAC’s Expression of Interest process to identify potential new projects that address CCAC priorities. Among other milestones the meeting was an opportunity for the CCAC to present 2021-2022 Annual Report
See the related stories and communiques below to learn more about past Ministerial Meetings.  

Ministerial meeting coverage

Key documents