Brazil - Develop a Vehicle Emissions Inspection Programme Heavy-duty vehicles and engines Brazil - Develop a Vehicle Emissions Inspection Programme
Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting National policy and planning Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting
Senegal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Senegal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Rwanda - Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Rwanda - Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Nepal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Nepal – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap National policy and planning Moldova – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap
Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update National policy and planning Ghana – Develop SLCP measures for the 2024 NDC update
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Develop a National SLCP Plan, National Methane Roadmap, and MRV Framework National policy and planning Bosnia and Herzegovina – Develop a National SLCP Plan, National Methane Roadmap, and MRV Framework
Iraq – Waste sector strategy to support NDC Action Plan and NAMA projects Waste Iraq – Waste sector strategy to support NDC Action Plan and NAMA projects
Moldova – Deliver manure management sub-sector strategy to inform NDC update and Strategy on Agriculture and Rural Development Agriculture Moldova – Deliver manure management sub-sector strategy to inform NDC update and Strategy on Agriculture and Rural Development
Guidelines & Tools 2024 Including non-COâ‚‚ pollutants in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC 3.0)
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2023 Full Report: Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa
Guidelines & Tools 2023 Hoja de Ruta Integrada Integrada en Calidad del Aire, Mitigación de Contaminantes Climáticos de Vida Corta y Salud para la Región Centroamericana y República Dominicana
Awareness Materials 2022 Communications Brochure - Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2022 Summary for Decision Makers - Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa
Awareness Materials 2021 Enhancing Costa Rica’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) ambitions through the livestock sector