Board Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Who we are About us Board The CCAC’s Board - previously known as the Steering Committee - provides regular oversight of Coalition activities and initiatives. The Board is the strategic, decision-making body of the Coalition, engaging and mobilising all Partners towards common goals and taking decisions on behalf of the Coalition. It also provides regular oversight of Coalition activities, makes recommendations on work plans and budgets and assists in securing funding including contributions to the Trust Fund. The Board meets at least twice per year, once on the margins of the Annual Meeting, and reports to the Annual Meeting on all activities and decisions taken, sharing meeting records with all Partners. CURRENT MEMBERS The Board is made up of representatives that reflect the multi-stakeholder nature of the Coalition and an effort to maintain gender and geographic diversity, specifically: Two Co-Chairs Up to ten state/Regional Economic Integration Organisation partners elected by decision of the Coalition to staggered two-year terms Four non-voting representatives elected to staggered two-year terms: Two from international organisations (or subsidiary thereof) elected by decision of the international organisations partners in the Coalition Two from non-governmental organisations (or subsidiary thereof) elected by decision of the non-governmental organisation Partners in the Coalition The Chair of the Scientific Advisory Panel in a non-voting capacity. For more information, please see section 4(c) of the CCAC Framework Document. The Coalition’s Secretariat also serves as the Secretariat to the Board and participates in that capacity. Co-ChairsTwo Co-Chairs of the Coalition from State/Regional Economic Integration Organisation Partners are elected by decision of the Coalition for staggered terms of two years, renewable. The two current Co-Chairs are: Adalberto Maluf, National Secretary of Urban Environment and Environmental Quality, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Brazil Country members Argentina Eduardo Jose Conghos Ministry of Tourism, Environment, and Sports, Argentina Image Sergio Federovisky is a biologist and environmental journalist. Canada Andria SherstoneDirector, AmericasEnvironment and Climate Change Canada Image Andria is currently Acting Director, Americas in the Bilateral Affairs and Trade Directorate, in the International Affairs Branch. In this role, she is responsible for managing strategic bilateral relations to advance ambitious cooperation on climate, environment and conservation issues in North, Central and South America. Andria has over 10 years of experience in advancing environmental priorities both domestically and internationally, including through bilateral and regional agreements and regulations. Andria also has 15 years of experience in stakeholder relations, having lead consultations and negotiations with diverse stakeholders and partners, including national and sub-national governments, indigenous nations, and non-governmental organisations in the fields of climate, environment, environmental public health and indigenous governance. Andria holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Studies, and an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Geography European Commission Isaac Valero Head of Unit, International Relations, Energy Platform Task Force (EPTF), Directorate General for Energy Ghana Peter Justice Dery Director for the Environment Division at the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ghana Image Peter Justice Dery has coordinated a number of initiatives, including the CCAC Supporting National Action Planning/Institutional Support project, the development of Ghana’s INDCs to the UNFCCC, the implementation of environment and climate related projects at the national and community level notably, the Ghana Adaptation Fund Project, Partnership Action on Green Economy (PAGE) Project, Green Climate Fund Readiness Project and NDC Support Programme. He is the Coordinator of the National Climate Change Steering Committee and chairs a number of green economy and climate change related committees at the national level. Ireland Brian T. Carroll Assistant Secretary General (Climate Action & Environment), Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) Image Japan Masako Ogawa Deputy Director General, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan Image Ms Masako has over 15 years experience in range of of senior environmental policy roles within the Government Of Japan. These include working as Senior Environment Specialist with the Global Environment Facility, as Senior Policy Coordinator, Policy Planning Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment and as Director, Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Health Department, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of the Environment. Norway Guri Storaas Deputy Director General, Section for Development and Finance, Department of Climate Change Image Guri Storaas is Deputy Director General in in the Climate Change department of Norway’s Ministry of Climate and Environment. She heads the section for Finance and Development. The section’s responsibilities include development of international carbon market mechanisms, climate finance, green transition initiatives in developing countries, bilateral cooperation with China and India and international work on short-lived climate pollutants. Before joining the Ministry in 2014, Guri worked three years for the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) in Kenya, South Sudan and Norway. There she was involved with work on climate policy, communications and gender justice. She also has experience from the Norwegian Embassy in Nairobi. Guri holds a European Master Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and Bachelor of Arts in Human Geography from the University of Oslo. Switzerland Janine Kuriger Head of the Climate, DRR and Environment Section, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Image Janine Kuriger is Head of Division at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Her team is responsible for bilateral and multilateral climate change and environment cooperation, such as Switzerland’s contribution to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition. She has a longstanding experience in development cooperation and previously served as the Head of the SDC office in India where she was in charge of the climate change programme. Since joining the Swiss development cooperation, she has held various positions at SDC’s headquarter in Bern, the SDC cooperation office in Peru and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in Bern, working mostly on environmental and climate change issues. She has extensive knowledge both in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Among others, she was involved in the development and implementation of projects in the fields of clean air, energy efficiency in brick kilns and buildings, cleaner production in industries as well as the promotion of renewable energies. Ms. Kuriger is well connected with the civil society, academia, private sector as well as international organizations. She holds a MA in Political Science and an Executive Master in Business Administration. Thailand Preeyaporn SuwanagedDirector General, Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Image Preeyaporn Suwanaged is the Director General of the Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The Pollution Control Department is tasked with preventing and mitigating environmental issues. This includes providing input during the development of national pollution control policies, environmental standards, pollution control standards for direct sources, environmental quality management and mitigation control plans, pollution monitoring, and handling grievances related to environmental conservation laws.Additionally, the Pollution Control Department's main mission is to manage pollution problems in Thailand, collaborating with other concerned agencies and networks. We continuously work to prevent and resolve pollution issues in accordance with the 20-year National Strategy (2018-2037), the National Reform Plan, and the Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021). Our efforts are aimed at aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving balance in the economy, social aspects, quality of life for people, and the preservation of natural resources and the environment.Thailand joined the CCAC Board in 2023. United Arab Emirates Aisha Mohamed Abdullah al AbdooliDirector of Green Development & Environment Affairs Department, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment Image Aisha Mohamed Abdullah Al Abdooli is the Director of Green Development & Environment Affairs Department at the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. Al Abdooli has extensive experience over 15 years in different fields including: Green Development, Sustainable Development & Green Economy, in addition to her expertise in developing policies, strategies and regulatory framework in Air Quality, Climate Change Adaptation, and Waste & Chemicals Management. Aisha had worked in managing BOOT and PPP projects in Sewerage Infrastructure, Sewage Treatment Plants and Waste Management Projects in addition to managing EPCM firms to ensure that the Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) is implemented in Aluminum Industry and the project construction is executed in compliance with all applicable environmental standards. In 2013, Aisha was appointed as the Director of Green Development at the Ministry of Environment and Water, where she was responsible for developing national green development policies and strategies and regulatory framework for transformation to green economy. She also developed necessary policies for the private-sector contribution in green development and monitoring the transformation of country toward a green economy. Subsequently she handled the role of both Director of Environmental Awareness and Education and Director of Air Quality at the Ministry. She was reappointed to lead the Green Development portfolio in January 2017. She is also serving as Chief Innovation Officer of the Ministry since March 2016. Aisha holds Master Degree in Project Management from the British University in Dubai and Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from the UAE University in Al Ain. Non-governmental organization members Clean Air Task Force Jonathan Banks Global Director, Super Pollutants Program Image Jonathan has worked with CATF since 1999 and serves as Global Director of the Super Pollutants program, where he develops and directs all of CATF’s efforts to dramatically reduce methane pollution from energy, waste and agriculture. Jonathan brings over two decades of experience working with governments, companies and civil society around the world to foster and implement policies to reduce methane pollution. Jonathan works to catalyze international coalitions, country level policies and subnational efforts, to foster rapid change. Prior to joining CATF, Jonathan served as policy director for a national environmental campaign working to clean up coal fired power plants in the US and was legislative assistant to U.S. Congressman Ralph Hall for energy and environment. Jonathan has a B.A in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas and also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Republic of Congo. Global Methane Hub Marcelo Mena-Carrasco MS. PhD. Chief Executive Officer Image Marcelo Mena is the CEO of the Global Methane Hub. He is also the former Environment Minister for Chile under the Michelle Bachelet government (2014 to 2018). As minister, he spearheaded multiple international environmental initiatives including helping craft a landmark agreement to phase out coal power generation, South America’s first carbon taxes for power generation and new car sales, creating 45,000 square kilometers of national parks, and protecting 1.3 million square kilometers of ocean. Previously, he was Practice Manager at the World Bank, where he led the team that created the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and the Adaptation and Resilience Action Plan. Mena is a biochemical engineer who holds MS and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering from The University of Iowa, focusing his research on estimating the externalities of biofuels, power generation, transportation, and residential heating. He used his research to advocate for renewable energy and push for more stringent regulations to stop dirty coal power generation in Chile. He has received awards from UNEP, National Geographic, Oceans Unite, NASA and the EPA, as well as fellowships from MIT and the Fulbright Commission. He has delivered talks at Congreso del Futuro and at the 2020 Ted Conference. In 2022 he was named one of 30 climate global leaders working for climate solutions by Business Insider. International organization members Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Kaveh ZahediDirector, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Image Kaveh Zahedi is a senior official at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. He serves as the Director of the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment at the FAO. In this role, he oversees the implementation of the organization’s climate change and biodiversity mainstreaming strategies, including partnerships with the climate and biodiversity conventions, as well as coordinating the FAO’s Global Environment Facility and Green Climate Fund portfolios. World Bank Rahul KitchluManager for the Operationalization Unit, Climate Change Group, World Bank Group Image Stephen Hammer currently serves as Advisor, Global Partnerships & Strategy, with the World Bank's Climate Change Group in Washington DC. Dr. Hammer leads on work associated with 'green recovery' from the COVID-19 crisis, Just Transition, and the Bank's climate-related engagement with the G7, G20, UNFCCC, and the UN Secretary General's climate team. He previously served as Manager of Climate Policy for the World Bank Group, where he led an interdisciplinary team or 30 scientists, economists, technical experts, and support staff focused on frontier research on climate change and development topics, the mainstreaming of climate change in World Bank operations, and the provision of climate-related advisory services to clients and Bank teams. Prior to assuming this role, he led the Bank's work on cities and climate change. Before joining the World Bank in 2013, Dr. Hammer was a professor at MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP). He also previously taught at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, and the Milano School of Policy, Management and the Environment. Scientific Advisory Panel Member Chair of the SAP Drew Shindell Chair of the CCAC Scientific Advisory Panel Image Drew Shindell is the current Chair of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Scientific Advisory Panel. He is Professor of Climate Sciences at the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University. From 1995 to 2014 he was a scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Dr. Shindell taught atmospheric chemistry at Columbia University for more than a decade. His research concerns natural and human drivers of climate change, linkages between air quality and climate change, and the interface between climate change science and policy. He has been an author on more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and received awards from Scientific American, NASA, the EPA, and the NSF.