Reducing black carbon and other pollutants from internal combustion engines

The Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Engines Hub brings together state and non-state stakeholders to achieve significant reductions in black carbon through the adoption of cleaner fuel and vehicle emissions standards.  

These efforts focus on global adoption of Euro 6/VI standards, scaling up soot-free and electric buses, non-road mobile machinery and stationary engines, marine and inland water transport, and promoting green freight. 

The Hub supports action in the sector by: 

  • Matching governments, inter- and non-governmental organisations, and private sector actors to tackle emissions
  • Providing access to technical expertise, advice, and training that are central to successful transformation in the sector
  • Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices

Opportunities for action

Photo by Africanway on iStock

The transport sector is responsible for 23% of global black carbon emissions. Diesel-powered vehicles and stationary engines account for the majority of these emissions.

KENYA. 2014. Nairobi. Pedestrians mingle with heavy traffic around the Globe roundabout.

Nearly half of the world's vehicles are yet to be regulated by best-practice fuel and emissions standards.  

Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

Requiring ships operating in Arctic waters to use distillate could reduce black carbon emissions by 50%–80% for ships that currently use residual fuels. This would slow the rate of ice melt in this vulnerable region.

Photo by Pradamas Gifarry on Unsplash

470,000 annual premature deaths can be avoided in 2050 by introducing low and ultra-low sulphur fuels and vehicle emission standards.



Only half of new and existing heavy-duty diesel vehicles are regulated by world-class emission standards with diesel particle filters. 

The CCAC's ambitions for the heavy-duty vehicles and engines sector are to eliminate black carbon emissions from diesel vehicles and engines by 2030 and achieve a 100% phaseout of fossil-based fuels from the heavy-duty industry as soon as possible. 

To achieve this, the CCAC has set three interim goals:

  • By 2025, 30% of new heavy-duty vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions
  • By 2030, all countries adopt ultra-low sulfur diesel and minimum Euro 6/VI emission standards 
  • By 2050, zero tailpipe emissions and 100% elimination of fossil-based fuels for heavy-duty transport

The CCAC is also advancing work in the green freight and marine sub-sectors, advocating for:

  • The International Maritime Organisation to adopt a black carbon emissions standard for all new ships and a methane emission standard for new LNG-fueled ships
  • Diesel emissions policies for inland water transport developed in relevant countries (2030)
  • New green freight programmes that can significantly reduce emissions of black carbon, particulate matter and other pollutants and greenhouse gases
Join us! Membership is voluntary and open to everyone working in the sector


Our work in the sector includes:

  • Acting as a knowledge-sharing platform and implementation support centre for CCAC partners working on black carbon, CO2 and methane mitigation
  • Fostering high-level political and industry commitments
  • Promoting strengthened regulations and standards 
  • Supporting national governments and regional groups to ensure effective implementation of regulations, standards and policies


The Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Engines Hub is co-led by Cambodia and United States. Co-leadership by countries ensures government engagement and ownership of the solutions. Co-leads provide valuable insights into the policy process to help ensure implementation is practical from a national perspective.

The Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Engines Leadership Group consists of both state and non-state members that provide guidance and expertise, and connect the Hub to activities underway beyond the CCAC.

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