Improving waste management to reduce methane and black carbon and achieve the benefits of a circular economy

The CCAC Waste Hub brings together state and non-state actors to improve organic waste management and eliminate open burning to reduce methane and black carbon emissions. 

The Hub supports action in the sector by: 

  • Matching governments, inter- and non-governmental organisations, and private sector actors to tackle SLCPs 
  • Providing access to technical expertise, advice, and training that are central to successful transformation in the sector
  • Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices

Opportunities for action

3 billion
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Globally, 2 billion people are without waste collection services, and 3 billion people lack access to controlled waste disposal facilities.

Photo by Roman Mykhalchuk on iStock

Around 1/3 of all food produced is wasted each year, releasing methane emissions during decomposition in landfills.

Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash

In developing countries, over 50% of municipal solid waste is organic waste that could be diverted from landfills for other uses, like fertiliser. 

Waste burning. Photo on iStock

26% of global waste is burned at a residential level and 15% is spontaneously burned at dump sites, releasing fine particulate matter, including black carbon, and other toxic substances.


By 2030 the CCAC seeks to have all partner countries reduce methane from the waste sector to a level consistent with a 1.5°C pathway, and have reflected this goal in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other planning and strategy documents.

By 2030 all CCAC countries aim to prevent and eliminate the open burning of waste, at all scales – from households to city-wide.

Join us! Membership is voluntary and open to everyone working in the sector


To achieve our waste management goals the CCAC will: 

  • Engage with national and sub-national government partners to support waste-related SLCP mitigation measures and actions
  • Ensure that waste sector emissions are reflected in inventories, and that the sector is appropriately captured in NDCs

The CCAC will also engage cities and local governments in waste planning and policy development with a focus on:

  • Prevention and reduction of organic waste generation, as well as increased diversion of organic waste from landfills
  • Enhanced organic waste recovery or utilisation including commercial food waste and other organics
  • Elimination of open burning of waste
  • Logistics planning (organic waste separation/collection), including private-public partnerships
  • Facilities and land use planning, and financial planning


The Waste Hub is co-led by Chile, Germany, Brazil and the United States. Co-leadership by countries ensures government engagement and ownership of the solutions. Co-leads provide valuable insights into the policy process to help ensure implementation is practical from a national perspective.

The Waste Leadership Group consists of both state and non-state members that provide guidance and expertise, and connect the Hub to activities underway beyond the CCAC.

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