Annual report: 2019-2020

Our Partners' actions and Coalition-Funded results from August 2019 - July 2020

Our Partners' Actions and Coalition-funded Results from August 2019 - July 2020

Download the report (pdf)


The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is leading the global charge to build a prosperous, healthy, and sustainable future by mitigating short-lived climate pollutants. In spite of the hurdles this challenging year has brought, we have achieved impressive wins this past year, continuing to strengthen the Coalition’s foundational work to slow climate change and abate air pollution while improving global health, food security.

As the co-chairing countries of the Coalition, we are proud to highlight this year’s impressive results, which are continuing to strengthen the Coalition’s foundational work.

Read the Co-Chairs' message  →

State Partners

Our 70 State Partners commit to act on short-lived climate pollutants

Non-State Partners

76 IGOs and NGOs help to drive SLCP action worldwide

Other Actors

Our network of 400+ implementers help to carry out our work on the ground

Global SLCP Mitigation Potential

Our state partners represent 1/2 of global SLCP emissions

$94.2 mil.
Trust Fund 2012-2020

Our Trust Fund supports activities in developing countries

Funds allocated and spent

This Coalition's first phase (2012-2021) is 92% complete

Trust Fund donors

20 countries and entities have contributed to our Trust Fund to date

Countries with results

Our activites have led to results in 75 countries this year


Chair of the CCAC Scientific Advisory Panel

The world’s emissions are currently far above where they need to be to keep to 1.5 degrees, but the Coalition has the experience and the expertise to make tangible inroads into that. Actions like cutting methane from the oil and gas sector and reducing black carbon from diesel buses bring us closer to that path, but also provide real and immediate benefits to public health and food production at home.

Read our interview with Prof. Shindell →



President & CEO, World Resources Institute

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is about remarkable leaders working together to bring solutions to scale. It’s about collaboration with national governments, cities, companies, civil society groups, all working together to address today’s most urgent problems: the air we breathe and the existential climate change we face.

See more leadership actions  →   



Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Environment and Climate, Sweden

We hope the CCAC will continue to be a dynamic and action-oriented coalition. There is a major gap between current policies and the action needed to reach our climate targets and other sustainable development goals. We hope that by 2030, the CCAC’s approach to combining climate and clean air will have been integrated in the policy planning of many countries.

Meet our partners →


Through its work with the CCAC, Chile has become one of the first countries to include black carbon in its Nationally Determined Contribution. See more  →  

Becoming a founding member of the CCAC has brought greater recognition to SLCP mitigation and helped scale up actions. See more →


Co-governance on environment and climate change has become an important policy agenda in China. The CCAC is providing scientific support for China’s work on this topic. See more →


Colombia developed a National Strategy for the Mitigation of SLCPs in 2018 and is working with the CCAC to integrate SLCP mitigation into national policies. See more →


Cote d'Ivoire's National Action Plan to Reduce SLCPs, formally endorsed in 2019, will lead to direct in-country benefits derived from improved air quality. See more →


During its G7 Presidency in 2019, France highlighted the need to transform the cooling sector and launched the Biarritz Pledge, a landmark agreement to improve cooling efficiency. See more →


Ghana is the first country in the world to include SLCPs and other air pollutants in its official National Greenhouse Gas Inventory submitted to the UNFCCC. 
See more →


Japan is a world leader in HFC lifecycle management and, along with other countries, launched the CCAC’s Efficient Cooling Initiative in order to mobilize high level political support for action. See more →


Maldives’ first National Action Plan on Air Pollutants, launched in 2019, integrates existing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air quality. See more →


Moldova has upgraded both its fuels and its vehicles following the CCAC's Global Sulfur Strategy to achieve 90% reductions in fine particle and black carbon emissions from road transport. See more →


Nigeria’s National Action Plan to Reduce SLCPs, approved in 2019, aims to advance mitigation efforts while also implementing standards to monitor and evaluate them. See more →


Norway proposed its national action plan for SLCPs in 2013 and has achieved a 34% reduction in particulate matter emissions . See more →


Togo adopted its national plan for reducing air pollution and SLCPs in 2020 that will improve air quality, fight climate change, and realize multiple co-benefits. See more →

Vietnam's groundbreaking Animal Husbandry Law, which went into effect in January 2019, will help reduce methane emissions in the livestock sector as per the country’s NDC. See more →


Switzerland supports partners around the world in tackling climate change and improving air quality while reducing poverty and improving health. See more →


Executive Director, UN Environment Programme

The Coalition is making great strides. It has brought together many partners. It has shown that real change is needed and provided realistic pathways for the countries it works with toward targets. But we must act now and fast. By 2030 we must reduce our carbon footprint by half and by 2050, we must be carbon neutral. The Coalition is part of the solution to deliver on these ambitious goals. 

See our projects and initiatives →



receiving national planning support


made by the environment ministers of AMCEN, ASEAN and SICA


implemented in Kenya, Rwanda and Vietnam


Chile joined Canada, Mexico and Nigeria in including black carbon in its NDC


from national, regional and local governments


for national and sub-national action on waste and brick productions


in Bangladesh, Nigeria and Peru


adopted regulations for introducing cleaner fuels and vehicles



Advancing agricultural climate action
Our policy paper, Enhancing NDCs: Opportunities for Agriculture, shows how including mitigation actions in the agriculture sector in enhanced NDCs can bring wins for farmers and the climate. About the paper →

Other Agriculture Initiative results

Our Agriculture Initiative advanced a range of projects to support increasingly ambitious actions, policies and targets across the agriculture sector.

National Policy

Paddy rice

  • We funded research by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) that Vietnam is using to design, finance and implement the low-carbon rice production technique - alternate wetting and drying (AWD) - as part of its NDC.  

  • We worked with IRRI to implement AWD in Bangladesh. By early 2020, the multi-sectoral Focal Area Network (FAN) had worked with 13,000 farmers and cut methane emissions equivalent to approximately 19,500 tons of carbon dioxide per year through the adoption of the AWD technique.    

  • $700,000 in funding from the World Bank, Coca Cola Foundation and Bangladesh Partnership was catalyzed to help FAN expand the use of AWD. 


Open burning 

  • Our project to introduce alternative methods to open burning in Peru, implemented by CARE Peru and International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI), received the national "Antonio Brack Egg" environmental award.  
  • Our “no burn” pilot demonstration project with the Punjab Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (PAMETI) recorded a 95% reduction in opening burning in pilot villages. No field fires were detected during the fall 2019 burning season. 
  • We funded the first-ever mapping of fires in sub-Saharan Africa, and are mapping fires in Nigeria in greater detail.  This will allow for targeted mitigation efforts by the Nigerian government and agricultural stakeholders. 


Showcasing effective integrated policy 
In Synergizing Action on the Environment and Climate, we show how developed and developing countries are using co-governance to harmonize policies and consider the benefits of mitigating climate change and reducing air pollution. About the report →

Other Assessments Initiative results

Our Assessments Initiative develops integrated assessments to identify scientifically robust emissions measures and policy actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants at the regional scale.  

  • The process to develop the Initiative’s third regional assessment – the African assessment – was launched on 22 March, 2019, during a Ministerial roundtable in Accra, Ghana. The report is expected to be ready in August 2021. Over 83 scientists have expressed interest to work on the assessment.    
  • The African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in Durban, South Africa, in November 2019 cemented the relationship between the African assessment team and the African Union Commission. It resulted in the landmark Decision 17/2 by AMCEN acknowledging the importance of SLCPs and the ‘need for an assessment of the linkage between policies to address air pollution and policies to address climate change’.  
  • The report, Synergizing action on the environment and climate: good practice in China and around the globe, was launched released in September 2019. The report presents local and national examples from China and other countries that demonstrate the growing interest in and application of integrated co-governance approaches around the world.


Enabling policies in the brick sector
Through our work in Colombia, we have developed a replicable model for promoting public policy, improving energy efficiency, and driving innovation and financing. About the project →

Other Bricks Initiative results

Our Bricks Initiative continues to be the only global platform for sustainable bricks production. It provides policy dialogue and guidance to governments, capacity building for brick producers, bridging finance to scale-up change and identifies opportunities to engage with the sustainable building and construction sector. 

Latin America 

  • Coalition training and support helped Colombia complete a model for transforming its brick sector that can be replicated in other countries and regions.  
  • The CAEM project was awarded the Sustainable Development Goals Award by the Global Compact Network for Colombia and the Bogota Chamber of Commerce. 
  • We helped the Colombian government develop its first portfolio of black carbon reduction measures for the brick sector, which will contribute to the industrial sector commitments under its revised NDC.   
  • We helped CAEM finalize black carbon measurements in 2019 that defined 3 new emission factors, for a total of 8 emission factors,  for Colombia.  
  • We carried out 1,779 person-days of training on clean brick production in Colombia, Argentina and Mexico.  
  • Our partners held 3 political outreach events in Colombia, including a discussion between the Ministry of Environment and the national brick kiln association on complying with new regulations. 


  • Together with Greentech Knowledge Solutions, we prepared a skill development programme for zig-zag kiln workers in India. 
  • Our Policy and Advocacy Network for Asia, facilitated by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), led to the State Bank of Pakistan providing preferential interest loans to Small & Medium Enterprises to convert traditional kilns into new zig-zag brick kilns.  
  • The Coalition funded a manual for building induced draught and natural draught zig-zag kilns in Nepal after the 2015 earthquake. This led to US $2.9 million of additional funding from DFID Nepal to convert 360 kilns (60% of kilns in Nepal) to cleaner zig-zag technology. This led to a 75% reduction in carbon dioxide and a 41% reduction in black carbon emissions from Nepalese brick production. 


Biarritz pledge for efficient cooling 
Our partners initiated the pledge at the G7 summit under which countries agreed to take immediate steps to improve energy efficiency in the cooling sector while phasing down HFCs. About the pledge →

Other Efficient Cooling Initiative results

The Efficient Cooling Initiative was launched in 2019 to engage with leaders and decision makers to take steps that improve energy efficiency in the cooling sector – an action that could double the climate benefit of the Kigali Amendment HFC phase-down.

  • The initiative held a high-level ministerial roundtable on the margins of the 31st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to discuss ways to accelerate the global transition to ozone-friendly, lower-global warming potential (GWP) efficient cooling. Hosted by Nigeria’s Minister of Environment, the event included high-level representatives from seven countries.  
  • Together with Japan’s Ministry of Environment we developed and launched its Initiative on Fluorocarbon Life Cycle Management (LMI). The LMI focuses on an important management gap – end of life disposal of fluorocarbon refrigerants.
  • A high-level ministerial roundtable on the margins of COP 25, was co-organized with Japan’s Minister of Environment, to discuss the role countries can play to accelerate progress on efficient cooling and fluorocarbon life cycle management. Countries were invited to join the Biarritz Pledge and Japan’s new Initiative on Fluorocarbon Life Cycle Management.


Technical assistance for brick kiln financing
Our assistance to the financial institution, IDCOL, has led to end-user financing for modern kiln projects and is helping operators in Bangladesh to move to green kiln technology. About the project →

Other Finance Initiative results

Our Finance Initiative provides training and technical assistance to financiers and key stakeholders to make investment in short-lived climate pollutant activities more straightforward, reliable, and attractive to the finance sector.  


Putting climate and clean air on the health agenda 
We rallied countries to commit to achieving WHO Air Quality Guidelines by 2030 through integrated climate and clean air policies and to track their progress through the Breathelife Action Platform. About our health actions →

Other Health Initiative results

Our Urban Health Initiative increased the number of governments committed to achieving WHO Air Quality Guidelines and helped build capacity in the health sector to improve air quality and climate change mitigation.   

International milestones 

  • We supported the UN Secretary General’s call to governments to join a new “Clean Air Initiative,” with commitments from 138 governments to achieve safe air quality and align climate change and air pollution policies by 2030. This includes, “Tracking progress, sharing experiences and best practices through an international network supported by the Breathelife Action Platform”.    
  • We helped launch the first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies on 7 September 2020. 28 BreatheLife cities, regions and governments participated in the day with video messages and stories highlighting their efforts to reduce air pollution. 


  • 11 cities, 1 region and 1 country joined the BreatheLife Network.    
  • Together with the Clean Air Institute and PAHO, we delivered webinars and an in-person workshop to support integrated air quality, climate and health planning in Cali and Aburra Valley, Colombia.  
  • Helped Clean Air Asia develop a Roadmap for Air Quality Communication for Baguio City, Philippines that will be shared throughout the region. 
  • BreatheLife and Clean Air Asia produced a benchmark report for 24 BreatheLife Network members in Asia.  
  • BreatheLife and the WHO Urban Health Initiative, helped Accra, Ghana raise awareness about air pollution through media outreach, school programmes, capacity building, and development of waste separation programmes.  

Urban Health Initiative 

  • The Urban Health Initiative, led by the WHO, developed guidance and tools to build capacity among stakeholders for improved health data collection, source apportionment and health impact assessment in Accra, Ghana and Kathmandu, Nepal.  
  • Work led by the International Institute for Energy Conservation in India’s Gujarat and Odisha states, is demonstrating the links between smart energy management and air quality improvements to help create a new market for integrated energy efficiency, demand-side management, and renewable energy solutions. 


Supporting cleaner fuel and vehicle standards
Support from our partners paved the way for the adoption of regulations for introducing cleaner fuels and vehicles by all 15 countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) . About the standards →

Other Heavy-Duty Vehicles Initiative results

Our Heavy-Duty Vehicles Initiative achieved significant progress at regional and national levels in the move towards soot-free transportation. 

  • Forty countries now have ultralow-sulfur diesel standards in place. This key black carbon mitigation achievement follows the 2016 launch of the CCAC’s Global Strategy for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles and Marrakech Communique, in which 38 country partners committed to develop national plans for the nationwide introduction of world-class fuel and vehicle standards. 
  • We funded technical workshops that led to the adoption by ministers from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) of a regional standard on imported gasoline and diesel fuels that limits sulfur content to 50 parts per million (ppm) from 1 January 2020. Domestically produced fuels will be required to achieve this standard from 1 January 2025. ECOWAS countries will adopt Euro 4/IV emission standards and limit the age of all imported light-duty vehicles to 5 years and all imported heavy-duty vehicles to 10 years. Countries have a 10-year transition period to comply. This decision will significantly improve air quality in a region where only 20 per cent of fuel is refined locally and 80 per cent is imported. 
  • We are working with the East Africa Community (EAC) to harmonize vehicle emission standards. The East Africa sub region was the first in Africa to adopt low sulphur fuels and is set to institute vehicle emissions standards to clean up the transport sector in line with the CCAC's Global Sulfur strategy.  
  • Rwanda adopted new vehicle emissions standards that were included in its 2020 NDC. The NDC includes measures to increase vehicle emissions performance of national vehicle fleets, including tax incentives, inspection, and scrappage of older vehicles. All newly registered vehicles must meet EURO 4/IV standards.  
  • We supported the Sixth ICCT Workshop on Marine Black Carbon Emissionswhich identified appropriate black carbon control policies and discussed potential standardized sampling, conditioning, and measurement protocols.  
  • With CCAC support, ICCT developed country-specific cost-benefit analyses and studies for ArgentinaChinaIndonesia and Nigeria


Guidance for the transition to climate-friendly refrigerants 
Our report "Lower-GWP Alternatives in Stationary Air Conditioning” outlines 10 examples of HFC-alternative technology use in various countries and climates. About the report →

Other HFC Initiative results

Our HFC Initiative continued to support country efforts to survey their HFC use, find cost-effective and relevant solutions to reduce HFC consumption and to enable the uptake of HFC-alternative technology. 

  • We produced “Lower-GWP Alternatives in Stationary Air Conditioning: A Compilation of Case Studies,” a report that outlines 10 examples of alternative technology used in various countries and climates. The report is a reference guide for end-user and system purchasers on factors to consider when transitioning to lower-GWP air conditioning.  
  • As of 2020, more than 35,000 transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems are in operation around the globe following the successful completion of our HFC-alternative technology demonstration projects in supermarkets in Chile (2017) and Jordan (2019). 
  • Our SL-MAC technology demonstration project received the 2020 Environmental Excellence in Transportation (E2T) Award in the “Mobile Energy and Emissions” category for its innovative air conditioning system that reduces the carbon footprint of mobile air conditioning, improves fuel efficiency, and saves both automobile manufacturers and owners money on operating costs. 


Evaluating the multiple benefits of clean cooking interventions
Our contributions to research on the co-benefits of clean cooking is helping to measure gender, health and climate impacts and attract funding. About the studies →

Other Household Energy Initiative results

Our Household Energy Initiative aims to increase the effectiveness of clean cooking, heating, and lighting programs to realize multiple benefits for climate, clean air, health, gender and sustainable development. 

Engaging women in clean cooking projects

New research 


Improving methane emission estimates from oil and gas operations 
We released the first in a series of Methane Science Studies that governments and companies can use to target effective emissions reductions. About the study →

Mineral methane initiative achievements

Our Mineral Methane Initiative continues to advance knowledge on emission sources, methane reporting for companies, enhanced mitigation ambition and regulations.  

Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) 

  • A new OGMP Reporting Framework 2.0 was adopted. It will serve as the gold standard for methane reporting by oil and gas companies. Current OGMP member companies, the European Commission, EDF and UNEP have agreed on the new Framework.   
  • 60 new companies joined the Partnership. 

Methane Science Studies  

Technology Demonstrations

  • We funded field work by Clearstone Engineering to provide mitigation options for eight flaring facilities in Colombia. At least half of the mitigation options identified will be implemented. One company agreed to follow-on measurement programmes to develop country-specific emission and control factors, and to identify cost-effective ways to prevent fugitive equipment leaks, casinghead venting at well sites, and flashing losses from production storage tanks.     

Global Methane Alliance    

  • The Global Methane Alliance was launched at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019. Alliance countries commit to include methane reduction targets from the oil and gas sector in their NDCs. Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria were the first countries to join the Alliance.  

Regulatory support  

  • Mexico is in the process of developing and implementing federal regulations to reduce methane emissions from existing and new sources in the oil and gas sector, becoming the first country in Latin America to do so. Last year, four workshops were held to build capacity to implement the regulations


Opportunities for increasing NDC ambition 
We developed practical guidance for reducing air pollution and climate emissions together to support development goals and increase countries’ commitments in their nationally determined contributions. About the guidance →

Other SNAP Initiative results

The SNAP initiative continued to strengthen participating countries’ capacity to simultaneously reduce air pollution and mitigate climate change by developing and implementing SLCP, air pollutant, and greenhouse gas mitigation strategies.  


Measuring and monitoring waste emissions 
Cities are using our Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET) tool to determine sources of emissions all along the waste management chain and see how different interventions will impact emissions levels over time. About the tool →

Other Waste Initiative results

Our Municipal Solid Waste Initiative continued work with cities around the world to advance waste sector SLCP mitigation practices, including organic waste diversion, landfill gas capture and use, and open waste burning prevention.

  • Since 2017 we have worked with Kenya to develop national and local solid waste regulations to reduce SLCP emissions. The Kenyan waste bill and policy has now been approved by the cabinet of ministers and sent to the parliament. The adoption is expected by early next year (2021).  
  • We helped develop a Guideline for Bio-Waste Management for the cities of Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Vrbas and Novi Sad, Serbia. The Guideline includes methods for determining the composition of waste, separate collection of bio-waste, as well as relevant treatment options that can realistically be applied in the South-East Europe (SEE) region. 
  • We helped Lebanon’s Tyre region with an assessment to close an open dumpsite as part of ISWA’s Closing the World’s Biggest Dumpsite Initiative. A detailed assessment and quantification study of the site, using CCAC’s Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET), was conducted and the results compiled in a report. Lebanon has over 950 open dumps and our project can be scaled-up and replicated to realize environmental and climate benefits. 
  • We continued supporting cities through networks and technical assistance and have 117 cities actively participating in a global network and committed to reduce SLCPs from the waste sector


Head of the CCAC Secretariat

 By 2030 we must realize the emissions reductions this Coalition was designed to deliver. By doing so we can protect millions of lives, help deliver global sustainable development goals, and keep warming to well below 2˚C.

The Coalition is rising to meet the challenge. Over the last year partners have worked with new and invigorated energy to develop our 2030 Strategy. It builds on our strengths of close cooperation, policy relevant science, pragmatism, and a commitment to helping all partners achieve national priorities in ways that strengthen global goals.

Read full message →


The CCAC has received USD 94.2 million in contributions from 20 donors since 2012. (as of November 2020)

Norway  USD 20,753,509 
Canada USD 20,442,219
USA USD 18,244,574
Japan USD 9,917,001
Sweden USD 6,481,278
Switzerland USD 5,749,667
European Commission USD 3,526,049
Denmark USD 1,817,223
Monaco USD 1,130,708
Germany USD 1,044,343
Netherlands USD 870,285
Italy USD 642,850
Finland USD 671,315
France USD 610,297
Walloon Government of Belgium USD 460,414
Australia USD 148,134
Luxembourg USD 84,830
Earmarked funds USD 1,612,556
TOTAL USD 94,207,251