Annual report: 2020-2021 Our Partners' actions and Coalition-Funded results from August 2020 - July 2021 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Annual Report: 2020-2021 Message from our Co-Chairs2030 Strategy: The work beginsWe are heading into a pivotal decade for climate action. A decade in which there must be increasing ambition and action to rapidly slow the rate of warming by 2030, while also taking steps to decarbonize and reach net-zero carbon emissions as soon as possible.The Coalition’s work over the last ten years has set us up to contribute significantly to achieving these goals We have raised awareness of the need to rapidly reduce the rate of warming in the near term by acting fast on a group of powerful climate forcers and air pollutants called short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), which include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), black carbon, methane, and tropospheric ozone.We have shown that reducing these pollutants comes with additional and immediate benefits for health, food security, economic development, and sustainable development, and that by doing so we can achieve our national economic, development, and health priorities, while also contributing to global climate goals.Over the last ten years the Coalition has improved the science behind SLCPs, shared what we have learned and carried out activities in different sectors to test and prove the feasibility of available solutions. Many of our country partners have developed national action plans and policies that integrate climate, air quality and development goals, and we continue to build capacity and catalyze action to enable more partners and new organizations to take up the challenge. The CCAC has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of some of these pollutants. The number of countries acknowledging the importance and opportunity of ambitious action on SLCPs in their NDCs has more than doubled in 2021 NDCs. There has been a large increase in the number of countries including methane mitigation actions in their NDCs.Black carbon emissions are going down thanks to improved practices in the brick and agriculture sectors, improved fuel and vehicle standards, cleaner household energy, better access to finance and technology, and a global push for clean air, and they are expected to continue falling as improvements in efficiency and the electrification of cars and other vehicles continue.The Coalition’s high-level efforts toward the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, means we are all now working together to phase down HFCs. The Coalition is working to ensure the proper disposal and destruction of HFCs and to increase the phase down’s climate benefits by making the next generation of cooling technology ultra-energy efficient. The curve is bending in the right direction for black carbon and HFCs and know we can do more to speed their reduction.However, methane emissions continue to increase at an alarming rate. Halting and reversing this trend is a priority focus for the Coalition going forward. Over the past year a series of reports – including the CCAC and UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Global Methane Assessment, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) AR6, UNEP’s Emissions Gap report, and reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA) – point to methane as the stand-out option to keep us on a pathway to 1.5ºC.Our Global Methane Assessment says there are available technical measures directly targeting methane that can achieve reductions by 2030 consistent with keeping warming to 1.5⁰C, and measures that target other greenhouses gases that indirectly lead to additional reductions. We know we can do it and countries are rallying around the cause. As of November 2021, the Global Methane Pledge to reduce emissions by at least 30% (below 2020 levels) by 2030 has seen 105 countries sign up and over $300 million pledged by philanthropies to jump start the process. The benefits of collectively achieving the Global Methane Pledge’s goal are significant and the CCAC’s demonstrated success at reducing SLCP emissions makes it a key enabling institution to achieve the goals of the Global Methane Pledge. In 2022 we will launch the CCAC Methane Flagship, a two-year campaign that aims to foster and strengthen high level commitments to reduce methane, amplify and raise awareness, support planning and delivery of strategies and plans, provide analysis and tools to support action, and scale up financing.With our new 2030 Strategy the Coalition will build on its past achievements and increase our focus on national action by working with countries to plan and deliver SLCP reductions. We will support targeted sectoral interventions through our hubs and continue to support and provide the cutting-edge science and research needed to identify new mitigation opportunities.As we enter this new phase, we would like to thank all our partners for getting us this far and look forward to your continued support to drive the momentum we have built forward.Thank you. Image Rick Duke USA Image Peter Dery Ghana Key figures In its first phase, the CCAC leveraged its Trust Fund and diverse partnership to drive action. The partnership 73 State partners Our 73 State Partners commit to act on short-lived climate pollutants 78 Non-state partners 78 IGOs and NGOs help drive SLCP action worldwide 400+ Other actors Our network of 400+ implementers help to carry out our work on the ground 1/2 Global SLCP mitigation potential Our state partners represent 1/2 of global SLCP emissions Trust Fund $96 mil Raised for Phase 1 $96 mil. was raised to support developing countries 98% Phase 1 complete Phase 1 funds have been spent and the balance transferred to Phase 2 $150 mil Phase 2 Trust Fund goal $25 mil. pledged by November 2021, with more announcements expected 75 Countries with results Our activities have led to results in 75 countries Key results Highlighting the urgency of methane action Our work on methane has strengthened the case for action. The CCAC-UNEP Global Methane Assessment launched in May 2021, outlined the benefits from mitigation and identified where significant cuts can be made this decade. Since 2012, our methane science studies and oil and gas, agriculture, and waste initiatives have shown where governments and the private sector can make reductions. This work has increased international attention and spurred growing government ambition to reduce methane. The work has catalyzed new initiatives like: The EU-led International Methane Emissions Observatory to improve the reporting accuracy and public transparency of human-caused methane emissions The US and EU-led Global Methane Pledge to reduce global emissions by at least 30% by 2030 announced in October 2021 Starting in 2022, the CCAC Methane Flagship that will continue our work to foster and strengthen high level commitments to reduce methane. The Flagship will raise awareness, support the development and delivery of strategies and plans, provide analysis and tools to support action, and scale up financing to reduce methane. Increasing NDC ambition Many new and updated NDCs submitted in 2021 include actions to reduce methane, covering almost 40% of global methane emissions from oil and gas, 25% from livestock, 25% from rice, and 37% from solid waste. For black carbon, there has been an increase in the number of countries including actions that target the major black carbon sources in transport and residential sectors. 33 countries have included reducing HFC consumption as a measure to achieve their climate change mitigation target, up from 10 in 2015. Over the past year, 60 CCAC Partners have submitted new or updated NDCs. All 60 have included methane, 12 black carbon, and 44 HFCs. Through our funded projects, the CCAC has supported 17 countries to incorporate actionable SLCP solutions into their NDCs. Key outcomes include: CHILE Set a target to reduce black carbon emissions by 25% in 2030 compared to 2016 levels. COLOMBIA Set a target to reduce black carbon emissions by 40% in 2030 compared to 2014 levels. IRAQ Included a chapter on methane. NIGERIA Included an SLCP section with a 60% reduction in fugitive methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 2031. ZIMBABWE Included methane measures to capture 42% of methane generated from solid waste and compost 20% of organic waste. 4 COUNTRIES Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo quantified the health benefits of NDC implementation. Adopting a new Strategy to deliver climate, clean air, and development goals To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and hold warming to 1.5˚C, the lessons learned and solutions developed by the Coalition must now deliver significant reductions in SLCPs over the next decade. The science indicates that this is possible. Methane emissions can be reduced by 40% and black carbon by 70% by 2030 (from 2010 levels). Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) can be virtually eliminated with the potential for a 99.5% reduction by 2050 (from 2010 levels). The 2030 Strategy sets out three directions to guide the Coalition: Driving an ambitious agenda by increasing high-level ambition; Supporting national and transformative actions by mobilizing finance and strengthening capacity building to achieve substantial emission reductions; and Advancing policy-relevant research and analysis to provide decision-makers the confidence and tools to make ambitious commitments and take fast action. The 2030 Strategy lays out the mechanisms and structure to support the Coalition’s work going forward. It includes the creation of Hubs to address key topics, such as planning and the key SLCP source sectors. #CutMethane A look back at our milestones and achievements. Through our funded projects and actions by our partners, the CCAC has raised awareness and political will for the large-scale implementation of methane mitigation measures in the agriculture, oil and gas, and waste sectors. Thanks to our collective efforts, methane is now recognized for its unparalleled potential to slow global warming in the near-term and avert the worst impacts on public health, food security and economic development. Previous Next Global Methane Pledge Newsletter - January 2025 13 Feb 2025 Global Methane Pledge Newsletter - January 2025 CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans - January 2025 Blog 31 Jan 2025 CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans - January 2025 Strengthening the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System for the Mining Sector in Colombia Project update 06 Dec 2024 Strengthening the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System for the Mining Sector in Colombia CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 22 November 2024 Blog 22 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 22 November 2024 Lowering Organic Waste Methane Initiative Supports Global Methane Pledge, COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste News 20 Nov 2024 Lowering Organic Waste Methane Initiative Supports Global Methane Pledge, COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 19 November 2024 Blog 19 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 19 November 2024 New CCAC Report Spotlights Cost-Effective and Scalable Digital Extension Services to Reduce Livestock Methane Emissions Press release 19 Nov 2024 New CCAC Report Spotlights Cost-Effective and Scalable Digital Extension Services to Reduce Livestock Methane Emissions CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 18 November 2024 Blog 18 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 18 November 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 16 November 2024 Blog 16 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 16 November 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 15 November 2024 Blog 15 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 15 November 2024 See all National action CCAC Partners are delivering on their commitment to act on SLCPs. The CCAC completed many funded projects in 2021 with the close of its first phase, while our Partners introduced new policies and initiatives. 2020-2021 national planning support The CCAC continued to increase its support to countries to integrate SLCPs into climate, clean air and development plans and policies. 17 countries were supported to enhance their NDCs Bangladesh; Benin; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cote d’Ivoire; Dominican Republic; Eswatini; Ghana; Liberia; Mali; Mexico; Mongolia; Nigeria; Togo; Uganda; Zimbabwe 6 countries were supported with the NDC Partnership to implement SLCP mitigation actions Benin; Cote d’Ivoire; Eswatini; Guatemala; Mongolia; Zimbabwe 5 new projects were launched to support national planning Kenya; Pakistan; Paraguay; Thailand; Uganda Results achieved The Dominican RepublicCompleted its first-ever assessment of SLCP emissions and mitigation opportunities. 4 countriesCote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo recognized the health benefits of NDC implementation in their NDCs. Togo’s Minister of EnvironmentEndorsed the country’s first national plan to reduce SLCPs. NigeriaIncluded a dedicated section on SLCPs in its NDC. Phase 1 achievements Since 2012, the CCAC has developed a methodology and set of tools to support countries in short-lived climate pollutant planning efforts. Activities in 37 countriesIncluding 21 environment ministries that have received institutional strengthening support 16 countries developing national SLCP plans8 of these have been endorsed and are moving to implementation NDCs enhanced in 17 countries With targets and measures to reduce SLCPs 18 governments trainedTo develop integrated inventories. 15 inventory reports finalized. 11 regional meetingsOn SLCP mitigation held in the Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East, and North Africa regions 17 knowledge resources developedIncluding the LEAP-IBC tool used in 15 countries to estimate the air pollution and climate impact benefits of mitigation 2 guidelines developedOn national planning and including SLCPs and air pollution benefits in NDCs 4,018 person-days of trainingDelivered through 44 training events, such as national LEAP-IBC workshops and peer exchanges HFCs A look back at our milestones and achievements. The CCAC successfully campaigned globally for actions to reduce HFCs. Our funding has supported country efforts to survey HFC use, find the most cost-effective and relevant sectors to reduce consumption, and transition to HFC-alternative technology. Previous Next District cooling feasibility study District cooling feasibility study 2013: The CCAC-funded study shows how reductions can be achieved by introducing district cooling in Hulhumale city, Maldives. Vienna Communique Vienna Communique 2016: CCAC Ministers convene a special session to clear the way for the agreement in Kigali and call for the HFC phasedown amendment. Kigali Amendment passed Kigali Amendment passed 2016: Coalition partners work together to secure an agreement to pass the Kigali Amendment. National HFC Inventories National HFC Inventories 2012: The Coalition funds the development of 14 HFC inventories. The Multilateral Fund has since approved funding for inventories in 127 countries. Efficient cooling initiative Efficient cooling initiative 2019: At the G7 Environment Ministers meeting, CCAC partners launch an initiative to enhance energy efficiency in the cooling sector. Mobile air-conditioning demonstration Mobile air-conditioning demonstration 2017: The CCAC-funded project with Tata and MAHLE sees the first test of climate-friendly, fuel-efficient air conditioning technology in a commercial vehicle. Kigali amendment comes into force Kigali amendment comes into force 2019: Coalition partners are among the first to ratify the Kigali Amendment. CO2 refrigeration demonstration CO2 refrigeration demonstration 2017: Two supermarket chains and five food processing factories adopt the technology following a demonstration project in Chile. Ozone award for political leadership Ozone award for political leadership 2017: The CCAC was recognized for efforts that led to the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. Biarritz Pledge Biarritz Pledge 2019: Countries agree to facilitate market access for efficient, climate-friendly and affordable cooling technologies. Initiatives to scale up the HFC action Initiatives to scale up the HFC action 2017: The CCAC’s work towards the Kigali Amendment catalyzed initiatives to support HFC phasedown, including the Clean Cooling Collaborative and Cool Coalition. Fluorocarbon lifecycle initiative Fluorocarbon lifecycle initiative 2020: CCAC partners, including Japan and France, launch the initiative to build capacity for HFC mitigation at every stage of cooling equipment’s lifespan. Action in SLCP source sectors CCAC Partners are delivering on their commitment to act on SLCPs. The CCAC completed many funded projects in 2021 with the close of its first phase, while its Partners introduced new policies and initiatives. Agriculture The CCAC supported its partners in China to provide agricultural policy recommendations to heighten the ambition of the country’s updated NDC, which proposed using manure management as a priority strategy for reducing emissions. Actions to reduce methane emissions from manure were also included in China’s 14th Five-Year (2021-2025) Plan. Read more → Image Promoting methane mitigation from manure management in China Promoting methane mitigation from manure management in China Main results in 2020-2021: We supported Vietnam to develop their Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework. We built capacity in Eswatini‘s Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture to model greenhouse gas emissions and identified options for low carbon livestock development. In Thailand, we funded an assessment to identify finance strategies to scale up low emissions rice production. CCAC funding helped FAO and NZAGRC prepare action plans for increased action on methane in Indonesia, Costa Rica and Kenya. We trained staff in open-source geospatial data and technology monitoring methods in our open burning project in Nigeria. We helped Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Uruguay identify low-cost strategies to reduce enteric methane from livestock. This mainstreamed mitigation measures in World Bank and GEF large-scale investment projects for each country (worth a total of $US 866 million). In India we are assessing the use of rice straw to produce sustainable energy. With FAO we are considering the development of green supply chains for crop residue. We featured our work on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture during Asia Pacific Climate Week More CCAC work in the agriculture sector → Image “We are currently developing the Ministry’s action plan for climate change for 2021 to 2030 and our 2050 vision. We will integrate short-lived climate pollutants into this action plan. We therefore endorse the CCAC’s 2030 Strategy.” Nguyen Do Anh Tuan Director General, International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam Fossil Fuels Harnessing the Law to Slash Methane Emissions in the Oil and Gas Industry Nigeria and Mexico are working to reduce methane through improved regulation and policy in the fossil fuel sector. CCAC-funded capacity building projects have helped accelerate development and implementation in both countries and align these actions with their climate and development goals. Read more → Image Main results in 2020-2021: Nigeria included a target to reduce fugitive emissions from oil and gas by 60% in its updated NDC with a clear set of measures to reduce methane emissions, informed by CCAC-supported assessments. Iraq included a methane chapter in its revised NDC. In Argentina, we supported a virtual online methane training series to the government and national oil company representatives with the aim of building capacity to address emissions from operations. The oil and gas industry reported under the new OGMP 2.0 framework. Most companies put significant efforts into reporting and outlined ambitious 2025 reduction targets. Out of the 55 companies that set targets, 30 meet or exceed the recommended targets of 45% reduction or near-zero methane intensity, and 51 have submitted plans that provide confidence the accuracy of their data will improve in the next 3-5 years. UNEP hosted a OGMP, including the national oil companies, Petroleum Development Oman and the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago. By joining the OGMP, these companies commit to setting and reporting against an ambitious methane reduction target at the highest level of accuracy and granularity in the industry. Development began on an OGMP Reporting Guidance document that will enable member companies to report in line with the reporting framework and achieve gold standard. More CCAC work in the Fossil Fuels sector → Image “To slow down global warming, short lived climate pollutants like methane need to be tackled fast. The CCAC is an important international forum for this. For that reason, we support the CCAC, in particular to implement the Global Methane Pledge.” Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission Waste Scaling up implementation in Peru’s municipal solid waste sector The CCAC project covered policy development, monitoring systems, technology deployment, and the adoption of climate-friendly practices in the waste sector, and was modelled on Chile's successful National Organic Waste Strategy. The project's findings have helped Peru prepare a NAMA Support Project on organic waste management. Read more → Image Main results in 2020-2021: In Zimbabwe, supported inclusion of targeted waste sector actions in revised NDC: capturing 42% of methane from solid waste through waste-to-energy and composting 20% of organic waste. Similar outcome in Bangladesh. In Eswatini, trained officials and supported delivery of a national emissions inventory of greenhouse gases, SLCPs and air pollutants - including refined data and methodologies for the waste and Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sectors. In Peru, identified the main policy barriers to reduce waste sector methane, plus trained officials in four city governments and delivered pre-feasibility studies for organic waste treatment projects in each of the four. In Moldova, supported action in Chisinau and Balti to build SLCP mitigation action related to air quality, sewage treatment, sanitation and solid waste management. Provided technical assistance to the cities of Freetown (Sierra Leone), eThekwini (South Africa), and Quito (Ecuador) – co-financed by the Citi Foundation. On behalf of CCAC, the US-EPA released an updated Sweet v3.1 tool to help local governments assess possible SLCP mitigation actions. More CCAC work in the Waste sector → Image “The CCAC’s national planning project has provided valuable contributions to our NDC development teams. The outcomes of the analysis can be used as inputs for the creation of sectoral plans aligned with the NDC process. We are now hoping to strengthen the waste sector with the collaboration of the CCAC.” Rolando Castro Vice Minister of Energy Costa Rica Cooling Delivering sustainable life-cycle management of HFCs Japan’s Initiative on Life-Cycle Management of Fluorocarbons (IFL) launched in 2019 to address emissions at every stage of cooling equipment’s lifespan in collaboration with the CCAC. Since then, the initiative has spread best practices, introduced domestic laws and policies, engaged the private sector, and built technical capacity for fluorocarbon mitigation in developing countries. Read more → Image Main results in 2020-2021: Supported Cote D’Ivoire, Colombia, Eswatini, Nigeria, Togo, and Zimbabwe to include new commitments to reduce HFCs in their updated NDCs. Collaboration was strengthened with the Initiative on Fluorocarbon Life-Cycle Management (IFL), including through a workshop on the margins of international meetings and a new publication with best practices for policy makers. Launched work to contribute to the global implementation of the Kigali Amendment in a manner that complements the work of the Montreal Protocol and its Multilateral Fund, encouraging faster action where possible in order to enhance the climate benefits of the phase-down of HFCs. With the Cool Coalition, Italy and the FAO, launched the summary briefing of the Status of the Global Food Cold-Chain at the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit. More CCAC work in the Cooling sector → Image “The greatest chance of survival for island states and other vulnerable communities is finalizing our gameplan to save humanity. This means rapid and focused action to cut the gases warming our planet, including methane, HFCs, and black carbon. I humbly call on CCAC to assist in catalyzing accelerated action, as they can deliver results through their multi-faceted membership that unites governments, scientists, and private sector actors.” David W. Panuelo President of the Federated States of Micronesia Heavy-duty vehicles & engines Global progress under the CCAC's Soot-Free Urban Bus Fleets Project Since securing a commitment from major bus manufacturers to make soot-free engine technology available in 20 megacities in 2017, CCAC Partners have helped advance fuel quality and emission standards and supported cities in Central America and Africa to build their soot-free bus fleets. Read more → Image Main results in 2020-2021: Peru signed the CCAC Global Strategy to Introduce Low Sulfur Fuels and Cleaner Diesel Vehicles and became the first country in Latin America to adopt Euro VI standards In ASEAN, national authorities from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam discussed the benefits and costs of inaction of a move to Euro VI standard. Partners launched a training programme on soot-free and zero emission buses to build capacity for local bus operators and transit authorities. In Indonesia, work with Transjakarta led to an announcement of goals to adopt 10,000 battery electric buses by 2030 – supporting a national goal of 90% transition to BEBs by 2030. In South Africa, work with Johannesburg Metrobus and Transport authorities supported the adoption of a Green Bus Committee. More CCAC work on Heavy-Duty Vehicles & Engines → Image "The Arctic region is warming at a faster rate than the world on average, and as a consequence the ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost are melting. This is not merely a regional challenge, the impacts of the warming and melting Arctic are experienced all over the world as rising sea levels. Actions to reduce emissions of black carbon and methane provide concrete opportunities to mitigate climate change, benefit human health and supplement the necessary global reductions of carbon dioxide. This is our common challenge, and it is our human responsibility to take action." Sauli Niinistö President of Finland Household energy Launching MRV tool to help countries cut cooking emissions and achieve their climate plans The CCAC is funding the Clean Cooking Alliance and Berkeley Air Monitoring to develop a tool for countries to measure clean cooking targets. The tool's streamlined methodology will help reduce discrepancies in measurements and lend credibility to clean cooking targets and reductions. Read more → Image More results in 2020-2021: Supported D.R. Congo and Togo with “Household Energy Assessment Rapid Toolkit (HEART)” Assessments as part of national effort to develop household energy programmes. In Nigeria we raised awareness of financial models to encourage clean cookstoves, alongside a report providing important data on liquid-fuel stoves that will support further scale-up. Launched new CCAC-funded projects to connect CCAC National Planning with action in the Household Energy Sector in Nigeria. Launched new CCAC effort to support countries and advocate towards key international organisations to reduce black carbon emissions in the sector. More CCAC work in the Household Energy sector → Image "We have made some progress in increasing access to clean energy among unserved populations, globally. However, great barriers still exist in mobilizing investments that translate into affordable, clean energy services for poor households. We look forward to the introduction of less stringent requirements under emerging climate mechanisms, such as Article 6, to expand the adoption of market-based cleaner cooking solutions in Ghana. We look forward to co-leading the CCAC's Household Energy Hub with the United States, to accelerate efforts to reduce the emission of potent climate pollutants like methane from unsafe household energy sources." Ing. Oscar Amonoo-Neizer Executive Secretary Energy Commission, Ghana Bricks Improving kiln technology to deliver multiple benefits in Pakistan's brick sector With support from the CCAC and ICIMOD, Pakistan has trained brick entrepreneurs and raised awareness of kiln improvements in the brick production process. In a relatively short time Pakistan has converted 40% of its brick kilns to use cleaner technology, reducing black carbon and improving the country’s air quality. Read more → Image Main results in 2020-2021: Trained 300+ brick kiln entrepreneurs, suppliers, and public policy actors in Latin America and South Asia on alternative brick production technologies and practices to mitigate black carbon. Supported Pakistan convert 8,000 out of the country’s 20,000 kilns to zig zag technology to produce “green bricks” and reduce black carbon. Produced economic analyses and other knowledge products as a package to inform transformation of the bricks sector, using Colombia as a model. More CCAC work in the Bricks sector → Image "There was no formal brick industry in Pakistan, it was all informal operators scattered all over Pakistan in rural areas with very limited environmental and social compliance and huge gaps in terms of following the laws. Now, we have facilitated change in the brick kiln sector from an informal to a formal sector and their compliance with environmental laws has followed." Muhammad Irfan Tariq Director General of Environment & Climate Change Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan Black carbon A look back at our milestones and achievements. We have championed the message that acting on black carbon will not only have an immense impact on public health, it will also contribute to addressing climate change and slow the melting of glaciers, snow and ice. Our efforts have led to mounting support for action in the health and climate communities. Previous Next Soot-free bus partnership Soot-free bus partnership 2017: Four of the world’s largest bus and engine manufacturers commit to bring soot-free buses to 20 megacities. Green Freight Action Plan Green Freight Action Plan 2014: The CCAC launches the plan to ensure that green freight programmes include the effects of SLCPs, such as black carbon. IPCC decision on SLCPs IPCC decision on SLCPs 2019: The IPCC decides to develop methodologies that enable countries to establish emission inventories for black carbon and other air pollutants. BreatheLife campaign BreatheLife campaign The campaign launched by WHO and CCAC calls on the public and leaders to reduce air pollution. 74 cities, countries, and regions have joined. CCAC “Global Strategy” CCAC “Global Strategy” 2016: CCAC Ministers endorse roadmap detailing actions to reduce small particulate and black carbon emissions from the global on-road diesel fleet. Marrakech Communique Marrakech Communique 2016: CCAC Ministers approve support to develop black carbon inventories in 22 countries. Eight of these have been finalized. Clean air loans in Mongolia Clean air loans in Mongolia 2019: A CCAC-funded feasibility study leads to an $18 million loan programme for energy efficient households in Mongolia. Black Carbon Finance Group study Black Carbon Finance Group study 2015: The group recommends developing black carbon performance standards so that investors can ensure projects achieve climate and health benefits. World Health Assembly Resolution World Health Assembly Resolution 2015: The Resolution, "Health and the environment: addressing the health impact of air pollution," was adopted, leading to the creation of BreatheLife. Fairbanks Declaration Fairbanks Declaration 2017: Arctic Council countries agree voluntary collective target to limit black carbon emissions between 25%-33% below 2013 levels by 2025. Bricks milestone in Pakistan Bricks milestone in Pakistan 2021: Pakistan converts 40% of its brick kilns to more efficient “zig zag” technology and includes this measure in its updated NDC. Nepal bricks project Nepal bricks project 2016: The CCAC helps build safer, more efficient and less polluting kilns after the 2015 earthquakes. This knowledge has been transferred to countries in the region. Open burning demonstration projects Open burning demonstration projects 2015: The CCAC launches projects to develop scalable "no burn" alternative practices in the Eastern Himalayas and Andes regions. Vehicles and fuels standards in West Africa Vehicles and fuels standards in West Africa 2019: All 15 countries of ECOWAS adopt regulations for introducing cleaner fuels and vehicles in the region. Workshops on marine black carbon emissions Workshops on marine black carbon emissions 2014: Project to develop a refined global marine black carbon inventory and technology performance database kicks off. 12 NDCs include black carbon 12 NDCs include black carbon 2021: Countries that include BC in their NDCs are: Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Eswatini, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Togo, USA, Zimbabwe. The Coalition Delivering on our 2030 Strategy. 2021 was a year of transition for the Coalition, as we began putting in place the structural changes needed to deliver the new strategy. Trust Fund Our Trust Fund is used to strengthen capacity, engagement and leadership. → Work plan budget The CCAC continued to convene Partners and implement projects. See results → Governance 17 meetings involving the six groups that work to advance our mission and direct our activities. → Partners The Coalition is a highly cooperative group led by our State Partners. → Investing in climate action We rely on the support and expertise of our Partners to carry out our work. We wish to thank all Partners that have supported the CCAC since 2012. Norway Canada United States Japan Sweden Switzerland European Commission Denmark Monaco Germany Netherlands Finland Italy France Walloon Government of Belgium Australia Luxembourg Poland
Global Methane Pledge Newsletter - January 2025 13 Feb 2025 Global Methane Pledge Newsletter - January 2025
CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans - January 2025 Blog 31 Jan 2025 CCAC NDC Watch: Latest on Non-CO₂ Pollutants in National Climate Plans - January 2025
Strengthening the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System for the Mining Sector in Colombia Project update 06 Dec 2024 Strengthening the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System for the Mining Sector in Colombia
CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 22 November 2024 Blog 22 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 22 November 2024
Lowering Organic Waste Methane Initiative Supports Global Methane Pledge, COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste News 20 Nov 2024 Lowering Organic Waste Methane Initiative Supports Global Methane Pledge, COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste
CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 19 November 2024 Blog 19 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 19 November 2024
New CCAC Report Spotlights Cost-Effective and Scalable Digital Extension Services to Reduce Livestock Methane Emissions Press release 19 Nov 2024 New CCAC Report Spotlights Cost-Effective and Scalable Digital Extension Services to Reduce Livestock Methane Emissions
CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 18 November 2024 Blog 18 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 18 November 2024
CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 16 November 2024 Blog 16 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 16 November 2024
CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 15 November 2024 Blog 15 Nov 2024 CCAC at COP29: Daily Updates - 15 November 2024
District cooling feasibility study District cooling feasibility study 2013: The CCAC-funded study shows how reductions can be achieved by introducing district cooling in Hulhumale city, Maldives.
Vienna Communique Vienna Communique 2016: CCAC Ministers convene a special session to clear the way for the agreement in Kigali and call for the HFC phasedown amendment.
Kigali Amendment passed Kigali Amendment passed 2016: Coalition partners work together to secure an agreement to pass the Kigali Amendment.
National HFC Inventories National HFC Inventories 2012: The Coalition funds the development of 14 HFC inventories. The Multilateral Fund has since approved funding for inventories in 127 countries.
Efficient cooling initiative Efficient cooling initiative 2019: At the G7 Environment Ministers meeting, CCAC partners launch an initiative to enhance energy efficiency in the cooling sector.
Mobile air-conditioning demonstration Mobile air-conditioning demonstration 2017: The CCAC-funded project with Tata and MAHLE sees the first test of climate-friendly, fuel-efficient air conditioning technology in a commercial vehicle.
Kigali amendment comes into force Kigali amendment comes into force 2019: Coalition partners are among the first to ratify the Kigali Amendment.
CO2 refrigeration demonstration CO2 refrigeration demonstration 2017: Two supermarket chains and five food processing factories adopt the technology following a demonstration project in Chile.
Ozone award for political leadership Ozone award for political leadership 2017: The CCAC was recognized for efforts that led to the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
Biarritz Pledge Biarritz Pledge 2019: Countries agree to facilitate market access for efficient, climate-friendly and affordable cooling technologies.
Initiatives to scale up the HFC action Initiatives to scale up the HFC action 2017: The CCAC’s work towards the Kigali Amendment catalyzed initiatives to support HFC phasedown, including the Clean Cooling Collaborative and Cool Coalition.
Fluorocarbon lifecycle initiative Fluorocarbon lifecycle initiative 2020: CCAC partners, including Japan and France, launch the initiative to build capacity for HFC mitigation at every stage of cooling equipment’s lifespan.
Soot-free bus partnership Soot-free bus partnership 2017: Four of the world’s largest bus and engine manufacturers commit to bring soot-free buses to 20 megacities.
Green Freight Action Plan Green Freight Action Plan 2014: The CCAC launches the plan to ensure that green freight programmes include the effects of SLCPs, such as black carbon.
IPCC decision on SLCPs IPCC decision on SLCPs 2019: The IPCC decides to develop methodologies that enable countries to establish emission inventories for black carbon and other air pollutants.
BreatheLife campaign BreatheLife campaign The campaign launched by WHO and CCAC calls on the public and leaders to reduce air pollution. 74 cities, countries, and regions have joined.
CCAC “Global Strategy” CCAC “Global Strategy” 2016: CCAC Ministers endorse roadmap detailing actions to reduce small particulate and black carbon emissions from the global on-road diesel fleet.
Marrakech Communique Marrakech Communique 2016: CCAC Ministers approve support to develop black carbon inventories in 22 countries. Eight of these have been finalized.
Clean air loans in Mongolia Clean air loans in Mongolia 2019: A CCAC-funded feasibility study leads to an $18 million loan programme for energy efficient households in Mongolia.
Black Carbon Finance Group study Black Carbon Finance Group study 2015: The group recommends developing black carbon performance standards so that investors can ensure projects achieve climate and health benefits.
World Health Assembly Resolution World Health Assembly Resolution 2015: The Resolution, "Health and the environment: addressing the health impact of air pollution," was adopted, leading to the creation of BreatheLife.
Fairbanks Declaration Fairbanks Declaration 2017: Arctic Council countries agree voluntary collective target to limit black carbon emissions between 25%-33% below 2013 levels by 2025.
Bricks milestone in Pakistan Bricks milestone in Pakistan 2021: Pakistan converts 40% of its brick kilns to more efficient “zig zag” technology and includes this measure in its updated NDC.
Nepal bricks project Nepal bricks project 2016: The CCAC helps build safer, more efficient and less polluting kilns after the 2015 earthquakes. This knowledge has been transferred to countries in the region.
Open burning demonstration projects Open burning demonstration projects 2015: The CCAC launches projects to develop scalable "no burn" alternative practices in the Eastern Himalayas and Andes regions.
Vehicles and fuels standards in West Africa Vehicles and fuels standards in West Africa 2019: All 15 countries of ECOWAS adopt regulations for introducing cleaner fuels and vehicles in the region.
Workshops on marine black carbon emissions Workshops on marine black carbon emissions 2014: Project to develop a refined global marine black carbon inventory and technology performance database kicks off.
12 NDCs include black carbon 12 NDCs include black carbon 2021: Countries that include BC in their NDCs are: Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Eswatini, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Togo, USA, Zimbabwe.