Get involved

You can support climate and clean air action around the world by getting involved in a number of ways:

Invest in CCAC Trust Fund

The CCAC Trust Fund accelerates catalytic investment in super pollutant action. Countries and philanthropies can become donors. 

Learn more 

BreatheLife event Lagos, Nigeria
Participate in our events

The CCAC’s partners offer free webinars and online training workshops throughout the year. Find upcoming events and join in.

Upcoming events

Field visit to a farm
Take part in a CCAC Hub

Join hundreds of technical experts and policymakers working to reduce short-lived climate pollutants from the main source sectors. 

More information

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
Subscribe for updates

Sign up to find out about our latest funding and job opportunities, and to receive periodic updates on our latest projects and events.

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Become a CCAC partner

Governments, NGOs, and IGOs can request to join by making a voluntary commitment to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.

How to become a partner

Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash
Raise awareness

Share what you know about short-lived climate pollutants at home, at work, and online. By raising awareness, you can help ensure more action is taken.


Bricks project in Colombia
Join the team 

Do you have the skills, passion, and expertise to help drive climate and clean air action? Apply to join our team.

See job vacancies 

Get resources

Browse our collection of free short-lived climate pollutant policies, tools, training and resources.

Resource library

Photo by Blubel on Unsplash
Take action

Protecting our planet is everyone’s responsibility. Learn about the ways you can help fight air pollution and climate change.

Find out how