Rwanda – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap [RW-23-001] Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Rwanda – Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap [RW-23-001] Opening date: 12 April 2023 Closing date: 23 May 2023 Estimated budget: US$ 175,000 Sector: National Planning Overview This project responds to a request made by Rwanda's Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Ministry of Environment to build capacity across relevant ministries to assess and reduce short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions. More information on Rwanda’s involvement in the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is available on its Partner Page. At minimum, the project is expected to develop a National SLCP Plan and a National Methane Roadmap that will inform Rwanda’s 2025 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) update. This will be accompanied by workshops and trainings on mitigation SLCPs across relevant sectors. Guidance on the CCAC’s National Planning Methodology for reducing short-lived climate pollutants is available in the Resource Library. This project is expected to launch in Q4 2023. National SLCP Plan Rwanda is a CCAC Partner since 2016. Through the development of Rwanda’s first national short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) action plan, this project is expected to strengthen the institutional capacity of multiple government authorities, affiliated agencies and key private stakeholders to drive SLCP mitigation action. The National SLCP plan should help inform Rwanda's 2025 National Climate Plan. National Methane Roadmap Participating in the Global Methane Pledge, Rwanda has made a voluntary commitment towards the objective to reduce global methane emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels. This project will support the Government of Rwanda to develop a National Methane Roadmap that will serve as input to its 2025 NDC update and contribute to achieving its commitment under the Global Methane Pledge. The methane roadmap will build on preliminary data that Rwanda has collected for its reporting to UNFCCC that is based on Tier 1 estimates following IPCCC guidelines. See Rwanda's first BUR. National Methane Roadmaps leverage emerging data and techniques to enhance emissions inventories, identify compelling abatement strategies, and define methane related policies, programs, and funding streams for implementation. As a Core Implementer of the Global Methane Pledge, the CCAC is supporting the development of methane roadmaps to assist countries in achieving methane emissions reductions this decade. Key partners Successful delivery of this project will require close coordination and engagement with Rwanda's Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Ministry of Environment. Expected results Applicants are encouraged to propose additional outputs as needed to ensure the expected project outcomes are achieved. Applicants can determine the scope of outputs if not specified. The project is expected to deliver at a minimum: 1. The Government of Rwanda endorses the National SLCP Plan by the project end or shortly after. Indicator: Number of action plans, roadmaps, strategies, or other future plans with SLCP targets or mitigation measures Output 1.1 National SLCP Plan for Rwanda which includes at a minimum: Integrated GHG and SLCP emissions inventory and emissions projections Mitigation assessments Quantification of co-benefit Implementation pathways in priority SLCP sectors that include existing policies and plans Cost of implementation and sources of funding Summary for policy makers 2. The Government of Rwanda endorses the National Methane Roadmap by the end of the project of soon after. Indicator: Number of action plans, roadmaps, strategies, or other future plans with SLCP targets or mitigation measures Output 2.1. A National Methane Roadmap developed in line with a modality agreed with the CCAC Secretariat. Implementers developing methane roadmaps should also participate in the CCAC’s Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP), which provides virtual workshops on where to find data, tools, and guidelines for analysis. At a minimum, a National Methane Roadmap should include: A needs assessment which identifies gaps in existing commitments and policies for methane mitigation A mitigation assessment including priority mitigation measures, mitigation potential, and cost-benefit analysis of implementation in high-emitting sectors An assessment of the institutional arrangements for implementation A monitoring and evaluation framework for identified methane mitigation measures Identified funding sources to support implementation of the measures 3. The Government of Rwanda adopts the MRV framework for SLCP emissions from priority sectors by the end of the project or soon after. Indicator: Number of monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems developed or updated that include SLCPs. Output 3.1 An integrated greenhouse gas and SLCP Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework. 4. The Government of Rwanda integrates SLCP measures or targets, including recommended methane actions and/or targets, into its NDC by 2025. Indicator: Number of NDCs targeting SLCPs. Output 4.1: Recommendations to include SLCP emissions reductions measures and/or targets into Rwanda’s updated NDC in 2025 5. The Government of Rwanda has a demonstrated increased capacity to assess and address SLCP emissions by the end of the project. Indicator: Number of government entities with improved capacity for SLCP action. Output 5.1: Capacity building workshops to relevant government agencies on SLCP analysis, including on monitoring, reporting, and verification. Application process Eligibility requirements To be eligible for consideration, project proposals must meet the following requirements: Complete and submitted before the deadline Submitted by a non-governmental organization (NGO), intergovernmental organization (IGO), or other not-for-profit entity. Governments are not eligible to apply directly for funding in this call. Requested funding is within the estimated budget amount, or includes a clear justification for additional expenses Project duration is less than 24 months Budget criteria are met and spending caps on expenses are respected For-profit entities may only participate in the project as stakeholders, co-funders, or end users. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and/or during project implementation if their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success. How to apply Eligible applicants are invited to apply any time before 23 May 2023 using the Application Form and Excel Budget Form. Specific instructions on completing these forms are available in both documents. Applicants may choose to follow the cost range proposed above OR propose a different budget supported by a clear justification. However, applicants should note that cost efficiency will play a significant role in the selection process. The completed Application Form and Excel Budget Form should be submitted to secretariat [at] Evaluation criteria Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria: Presents a clear plan to achieve the required outcomes during the lifetime of the project or soon after Includes a plan or activities to enable the scaling up of, replication of, or sustained use of project results over time Sets out a clear approach for enabling or contributing to SLCP emissions reductions and resulting co-benefits Involves relevant stakeholders Approach is grounded in a strong understanding of relevant risks Complements other relevant initiatives, funding mechanisms, and existing policy processes Applicant demonstrates necessary capacity and experience to perform the work A realistic, cost-effective, and clearly justified budget and approach is proposed Project meets the minimum requirements for the OECD DAC gender equality marker Score 1 Selection process A preliminary review of proposals submitted by the deadline will be conducted by members of the CCAC Secretariat, Funding Task Team, and Board, in consultation with relevant CCAC Partners. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present their proposals in further detail and to respond to follow-up questions about their application. Successful applicants will be invited to develop a Project Implementation Plan and Detailed Budget in consultation with the CCAC Secretariat and relevant CCAC Partners. The selection process may take up to 6 months after the closing date of the call for proposals. Due to the high volume of requests, the CCAC will not respond to requests for updates or feedback during this time.