Transformative action in the fossil fuels sector [FOS-22-001] Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Transformative Action In The Fossil Fuels Sector [FOS-22-001] Opening Date: 6 September 2022 Closing Date: 26 October 2022 Funding: The total amount available for this call is US$7 million to cater to the needs of each of the 7 CCAC Hub to implement their respective Engagement Strategy Project Duration: up to 2 years ABOUT The CCAC’s Engagement Strategy for the Fossil Fuel Sector aims to reduce the sector’s methane and black carbon emissions by 45% by 2025 and 60-75% by 2030, respectively. These goals are consistent with 1.5 ̊C scenarios and leverage the multiple low- and negative-cost mitigation solutions available to the sector today. This call for proposals is seeking projects that help drive transformative action in the fossil fuel sector and support achievement of the CCAC’s goals. SCOPE Project proposals should develop, enable, or implement innovative solutions that will advance one or more goals of the CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Fossil Fuels sector: Goal 1: Advocate for Governments to Prioritize Methane and Black Carbon Reductions from the Fossil Fuel Sector Goal 2: Support Governments Seeking to Regulate Fossil Methane and Black Carbon Goal 3: Eliminate Routine Flaring and Promote Efficiency for Unavoidable Flares  In line with these goals, the CCAC Fossil Fuels Hub has identified possible topics and areas of action to consider when responding to this call. Proposed solutions may include one or more of the following: Scale up support to develop, implement, and enforce policies, regulations, programmes at regional or national level, or improve tools to spur infrastructure to prevent and control methane emissions, including in collaboration with the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO), International Energy Agency (IEA), World Bank, and multilateral development banks. Apply tools to accurately monitor progress on emissions reductions from the oil and gas sector, in line with the measurement-based approach of the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0. More information about these goals can be found in the CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Fossil Fuel Sector. Expected outcomes Project proposals are required to demonstrate how they will contribute to catalysing emissions reductions in the sector, several countries, a region, or globally. Project proposals should have at least one clearly defined outcome, such as: Catalysed funding for solutions at scale Scalable and/or replicable regulatory and enforcement regimes (e.g., informed by model regulations) Commitments by big emitters to reduce emissions Adopted sectoral models and strategies for mitigation Global or regional roadmaps for the sector Public-private partnerships Etc. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS The CCAC is seeking the following characteristics in proposed projects: Ambition: evidence of the project’s potential to scale up short-lived climate pollutant reductions through transformative changes in the sector, a region, or several countries. Quality: a clear logic for the proposed outputs and activities and how they will achieve the expected outcomes Experience: evidence of the project team’s ability to deliver the proposed project and its expertise in the sector Value for money: the level of funding requested for project delivery in relation to the outcomes the project aims to achieve Alignment: how well the proposal contributes to achieving the goals of the CCAC Engagement Strategy for the Fossil Fuels Sector and 2030 Strategy. Co-creation and consortia between CCAC partners and members of CCAC Hubs is strongly encouraged. This will be facilitated through sessions on the margins of the Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum to be held in Washington DC from 26-30 September 2022. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Only not-for-profit organisations (NGOs, IGOs) and governments can apply. HOW TO APPLY Project proposals should be submitted by email to secretariat [at] by 26 October 2022 using the Application form. We strongly encourage all applicants to contact the co-leads and other members of the CCAC Hubs early in the development of their project proposals to facilitate the co-creation process and ensure alignment with CCAC goals. Supporting documents: Application Form (.doc) Guidance for Applicants (.pdf) CCAC Engagement Strategies CCAC 2030 Strategy Recommended solutions for the fossil fuels sector Process A preliminary review of proposals submitted by the deadline will be conducted by members of the CCAC Secretariat, Funding Task Team and Board, in consultation with relevant CCAC Partners. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present their proposals in further detail and to respond to follow-up questions about their application. Successful applicants will be invited to develop a Project Implementation Plan and Detailed Budget in consultation with the CCAC Secretariat and relevant CCAC Partners. Projects are expected to be launched in 2023.