2020 Beijing International Forum for Metropolitan Clean Air and Climate Actions 7 September, 2020 - 8 September, 2020 02:00 Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings 2020 Beijing International Forum For Metropolitan Clean Air and Climate Actions The Beijing International Forum for Metropolitan Clean Air Actions is a professional forum in the field of ecological environment held by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment for consecutive years. The theme of this yearās forum is āSynergistic Clean Air and Climate Actions in the Energy and Transportation Sectorsā, under which the environmental and climate officials and experts from UNEP, California, London, Paris, Lombardy, Tokyo, Seoul and other metropolises, as well as Hong Kong, Jing-Jin-Ji Ecology and Environment authorities, Tsinghua University, Peking University and other institutes, will focus on key areas to jointly promote the control of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, exchange and share the air quality and climate goal planning, policy tools, measures and actions, as well as achievements and progress of air quality and climate in international metropolises to build a beautiful and livable metropolis. The Forum consists of several sessions, a keynote speech, roundtable discussions and Q&A sessions. Click here to join the event livestream Forum line-up: Day 1-Plenary Session - Synergistic Clean Air and Climate Actions in the Energy and Transportation Sectors Day 2-Parallel Session 1 - Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality Day 2-Parallel Session 2 - Carbon Trade and Green Finance Topics to be discussed include: Clean Air and Climate Actions for the typical cities Situation and Strategy for the Post-pandemic Low Carbon Economic Transformation Air Pollution Control Progress of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in the past 5-10 years, and Suggestions for Multi-target Governance Low Carbon Economy a Destined Path for Air Quality Improvement Addressing Climate Change, Carbon Trade and Green Finance. Full Agenda Day 1, September 7 Opening Ceremony Moderator: Ms. Li Xiaohua, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE) 09:00-09:30 Welcome Remarks Mr. Yang Bin, Vice Mayor of the Peopleās Government of Beijing Municipality Mr. Tu Ruihe, Head of UN Environment China Office Mr. Hao Jiming, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering/Professor of School of Environment, Tsinghua University Mr. Li Gao, Director General of the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) Ms. Helena Molin Valdes, Head of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, (CCAC) Secretariat at UN Environment (via video) 09:30-09:40 Introductory Videos Part 2 - Keynote Speeches Moderator: Ms. Liu Xianshu, Chief Engineerļ¼Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE) 09:40-09:55 (Seoul time 10:40-10:55) Seoul Clean Air & Climate Actions (Video connection), Mr. Su Yong JEONG, Deputy Mayor and Head of Climate & Environment Headquarters of Seoul Metropolitan Government 09:55-10:10 Situation and Strategy for the Post-pandemic Low Carbon Economic Transformation in the Energy Sector, Mr. He Jiankun, former vice president of Tsinghua University/Director of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ICCSD) of Tsinghua University 10:10-10:25 (Sacramento time 19:10-19:25 of Sep.6) Clean Air Actions in California-Synergistic Control of Exhaust Pollutants and CO2 emissions from Motor Vehicles (Video connection), Ms. Mary Nichols, Chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) 10:25-10:40 Air Pollution Control Progress of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in the past 5-10 years and Suggestions for Multi-target Governance, Mr. Zhu Tong, Professor of School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering/ American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow 10:40-10:55 Promoting the Coordinated Governance of Multiple Pollutants-Focus of Air Pollution Control in the 14th Five-Year Period, Mr. Zhang Dawei, Deputy Director General,Air Quality Departmen, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) 10:55-11:10 Building Beijing into a World-Class Eco-City through Low Carbon Energy Revolution, Mr. Zou Ji, CEO &President of Energy Foundation China Part 3 āRoundtable 1: Low Carbon Economy a Destined Path for Air Quality Improvement and Addressing Climate Change (On-site Participation + Videoā Connection) Moderator: Ms. Liu Xianshu, Chief Engineerļ¼Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (BEE) 11:25-12:05 ( NY time 23:25 of Sep.6-00:05 of Sep.7)( San Francisco and LA time 20:25-21:05 of Sep.6) Voice of the Panelists (6 min per person) Topics and Panelists: Progress and Challenges of Air Quality Improvement in Beijing Ms. Li Xiang, Chief of Air Quality Division of BEE Air Quality and Health Benefits of Climate Policies in NYC and C40 Cities: Moving towards Integrated Planning (Video connection) Mr. Iyad Kheirbek, Air Quality Programme Director of C40 Cities Air Quality Management and Integrating Climate Change Mitigation in the San Francisco Bay Area (Video connection) Mr. Jack Broadbent, Executive Officer of Californiaās Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Progress in Beijingās Energy Structure Optimization and Future Outlook for Low Carbon Energy Transformation Mr. Zhao Xiaowei, Consultant (Division Chief Level), Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform Pathways and Potentials for the Low Carbon Energy Transformation in Beijing Mr.Tong Deliang, Professor of the Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design Energy Storage Policy in California and Health implications (Video connection) Mr. Robert Weisenmiller, Former Chair of California Energy Commission 12:05-12:30 Discussion Necessity and Feasibility of the Low Carbon Energy Transformation Policy Tools for the Low Carbon Energy Transformation 12:30-12:40 Conclusion: Suggestions for the Low Carbon Energy Transformation (by the moderator) Part 4 ā Roundtable 2: Transportation Sector, a Primary Target for Coordinated Governance of PM2.5, Ozone and CO2 (On-site Participation + Video Connection) Moderator: Mr. Wu Ye, Deputy Dean of School of Environment, Tsinghua University 14:00-14:40 Voice of the Panelists (6 min per panelist) Progress and Outlook of Mobile Source Pollution Control in Beijing Ms. Lian Aiping, Deputy Chief of Vehicle Emissions Management Division, BEE ā Hong Kongās Climate Action Plan 2030+ā Energy and Transport Related Policies (Video Connection) Dr. Kenneth LEUNG, Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong Government SAR Beijingās Climate Actions and Progress Ms. Ming Dengli, Chief of Science & Technology and International Cooperation Division (Climate Affairs Division), BEE Importance of Green Trucks in the Building of a Green Transport System Ms. Fu Lu, Head of the Clean Air Asia (CAA) China Office Progress andAchievements of the Green Commuting Plan in Beijing Mr. Xu Yan, Deputy Chief of Green Transport Division, Beijing Municipal Commision of Transport 14:40-15:10 Discussion Technical Solutions for Coordinated Governance of Multiple Pollutants in the Transport Sector Management tools for Coordinated Governance of Multiple Pollutants in the Transport Sector 15:10-15:20 Conclusion Part 5 ā Case Report from International Metropolitians (15 min each) (On-site Participation + Video Connection) Moderator: Ms. Li Xiang, Chief of Air Quality Division, BEE 15:35-15:50 (Singapore time 15:35-15:50) Creating Healthy Places through Sustainable transportation ā the Singapore Experience (Video Connection) Ms. Limin Hee, Director of Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore 15:50-16:05 (Paris time 09:50-10:05) Air Quality and Climate Goals, Actions and Progress of Paris Region (with a focus on the energy and transportation sectors) (Video Connection) Ms. Karine LEGER, CEO of Airparif 16:05-16:20 (Milan time 10:05-10:20) Air Quality and Climate Goals, Actions and Progress of Lombardy (Video Connection) Mr. Matteo Lazzarini, Head of Air section, REGIONE LOMBARDIA 16:20-16:35 Exploration and Practice of Refined Management Measures for Air Pollution in Beijing Mr. Jiang Lin, President of Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection 16:35-16:50 Beijing 2022, A Green Winter Olympics Games Ms. Liu Xinping, Chief of Sustainable Development Division, Department of Overall Planning, Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 16:50-17:05 (London time 09:50-10:05) Londonās Air Pollution Story Mr. Matthew Browning, Senior Policy and Programme Officer, Air Quality Team, Greater London Authority Part 6 ā Closing Remarks : Ms. Liu Xianshu, Chief Engineer, BEE Day 2, September 8 Day 2 is split into two parrallell sessions. Parallel Technical Session 1: Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality Morning Session Moderator: Mr. An Xinxin, Deputy Director General , Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Monitoring Center 09:00-09:10 Introduction of Session Background and Participants 09:10-09:30 Evolving Beijingās Air Quality Monitoring and Forecast System with latest available Technology Mr. Liu Baoxian, Director General of Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Monitoring Center 09:30-09:50 (Washington D.C. time 21:30-21:50 on Sep.7) Air Quality Management Experiences from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region ā Some Observations from a World Bank Team (Video Connection) Mr. Jostein Nygard, Senior Environmental Expert of World Bank 09:50-10:10 (Los Angeles time 18:50-19:10 on Sep.7) Coordinated Governance of Air and Climate Pollutants - Lessons from the California Experience (Video Connection) Mr. Alex Wang, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law 10:10-10:30 (Tokyo time 11:10-11:30) Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Air Quality in Tokyo (Video Connection) Mr. Tetsutaro SUGIMATA, Deputy Director of Planning Section, Environmental Improvement Division, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Environment 10:30-10:50 (Seoul time 11:30-11:50) Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality in Seoul (Video Connection) Mr. Rokjin Park, Professor/Director, Seoul National University and Seoul Research Center for Fine Dust 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-11:30 Trend and Variations of Beijingās PM2.5 Sources in Recent Years Ms. Zheng Mei, Professor of School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University 11:30-11:50 Progress and Application of the Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Particles Mr. Cao Junji, Deputy Director, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science 11:50-12:10 Q&A and Discussion 12:10-12:20 Morning Session Summary Afternoon Session Moderator: Ms. Li Yunting, Chief of Air Quality Section, Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Monitoring Center 14:00-14:20 Challenges for Beijing in Sustained Air Quality Improvement-Implications from the COVID-19 Pandemic Mr. Zhang Qiang, Professor of Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University 14:20-14:40 Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Quality in the Pearl River Delta of China (Video Connection) Dr. Kenneth LEUNG, Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong Government SAR 14:40-15:00 Comparative Analysis of Air Quality Management in Beijing and Seoul Mr. Zhu Shu, Head of ICLEI East Asia (South Korea) Beijing Representative Office 15:00-15:20 (Paris time 09:00-09:20) Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on air quality in Paris Region (with a focus on PM and NOx) (Video Connection) Ms. Sophie MOUKHTAR, International Relations Coordinator, Airparif 15:20-15:40 Coffee Break 15:40-16:00 (Milan time 09:40-10:00) Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on air quality in Lombardy, Italy (Video Connection) Guido Lanzani, Head of Air Quality Unit, ARPA LOMBARDIA 16:00-16:20 Air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city and the Municipality's Responses (Video Connection) Mr. Davaajargal Gan-Ochir, Head of Air Quality Monitoring and Management Division, Department of Against Air Pollution in Capital City of Mongolia 16:20-16:40 Q&A and Discussion 16:40-17:00 Closing Remarks Parallel Technical Session 2: Carbon Trade and Green Finance Part 1- Keynote Speeches Moderator: Mr. Qiu Daqing, Director Generalļ¼Beijing Municipal Climate Change Research Center 09:30-09:35 Introduction of Session Background and Participants 09:35-09:45 Opening Speech Ms. Li Xiaohua, Deputy Director General, BEE 09:45-10:00 Plan and Outlook-Building Beijing An International Green Finance Center Ms. Wang Ying, Deputy Director General, Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration 10:00-10:15 Promoting Climate Actions through Climate Investment and Financing Mr. Ding Hui, Head of General Office, Department of Climate Change, MEE 10:15-10:30 Better Carbon ETS for High-quality Economic Development Mr. Zhang Xin,Chief Economist, National Center for Climate Change Strategyand International Cooperation (NCSC), MEE 10:30-10:45 (Washington D.C time 22:30-22:45 on Sep.7) Air and Climate Pollution from the U.S. Power Sector - Pre- and post-pandemic trends (Video Connection) Mr. Jeremy Schreifels, Visiting Fellow, Resources for the Future 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break Part 2- Roundtable Discussion: Practice and Progress of the Carbon EmissionTrade Moderator: Ms. Li Chunmei, Deputy Chief of Science & Technology and International Cooperation Division (Climate Affairs Division), BEE 11:00-11:40 Voice of the Panelists Topics and Panelists: Progress and Outlook in Beijingās Carbon ETS Ms. Yu Fengju, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Climate Change Californiaās Carbon Emission Trade System and Climate Investments (Video Connection) Mr. Jason Gray, Chief of California Cap-and-Trade Program, CARB Tokyoās Cap-and-Trade Program-Efforts towards a āZero Emission Tokyoā (Video Connection) Mr. Satoshi CHIDA, Director of Emission Cap and Trade Section, Climate Change & Energy Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Cooperation among the Carbon Markets in Northeast Asia and Outlook Mr. Zhou Jian, Deputy Director of Institute for Low Carbon Economy Studies, Tsinghua University Multi-tiered Innovation forChinaās Carbon Market and Outlook for its International Gearing Mr. Chen Zhibin, Senior Adviser of SinoCarbon Innovation & Investment Co., Ltd. 11:40-12:10 Discussion Role of Carbon Emission Trade in GHGs Emission Control Coordination of Regional Carbon Markets with National and Internatioanl Markets 12:10-12:20 Summary by the moderator Part 3 ā Experience Exchange between China and Europe in Carbon Emission Trade Moderator: Mr. Chen Caocao, Researcher of Beijing Municipal Climate Change Research Center 14:00-14:15 (Brussels time 8:00-8:15) Schematic Design of European Union ETS (including cap and trade, Achievement of each phase, Auctioning and the use of Auction Revenue) (Video Connection) Ms. Vicky Pollard, Head of Carbon Trade Unit, Directorate General for Climate Actions of the European Commission 14:15-14:30 (Millan or Turin time 8:15-8:30) From Carbon Markets to Sustainable Finance: on the edge of financial innovation (Video Connection) Ms. Giulia Galluccio, Senior Scientific Manager of Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) 14:30-14:45 Operation Code of Beijngās Carbon Market Mr. Zou Yi, Assistant to the CEO, China Beijing Environment Exchange 14:45-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-15:15 EU carbon trading schemes and platform(European Unionās Carbon Emission Trading shemes and platform, Trend of Carbon Price and its influence on facilities/appliance owners, and Carbon Financing tools for facilities/appliance owners) (On-site Participation + Video Connection) Ms. Maria Ziesche, European Energy Exchange (EEX) 15:15-15:30 Green Techniques and Green Finance Mr. Zhao Lijian, Head of Carbon Trust China Office 15:30-15:35 Closing Remarks: Mr. Chen Caocao, Researcher of Beijing Municipal Climate Change Research Center Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! 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