2024 M-RAP Virtual Workshop Series


Methane is a powerful but short-lived climate pollutant that accounts for a third of net warming since the Industrial Revolution and is the second largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide. Rapidly reducing methane emissions from energy, agriculture and waste sectors can prevent near-term warming and is the single more effective strategy to keep the goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C within reach while yielding co-benefits, including improving public health and agricultural productivity.

For these reasons, establishing clear and targeted methane mitigation measures in NDCs is one of the most important tools that countries have for increasing their mitigation ambition while simultaneously delivering tangible domestic health and economic co-benefits.

The Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP) built from the decade-long experience and methodology of the CCAC's National Planning​ process and support development and implementation of transparent and consistent national methane roadmaps​.

This M-RAP NDC Enhancement webinar series provides countries with concrete and practical guidance for how to leverage the M-RAP methodology tools and resources of the CCAC to enhance their NDCs. Participants will also have the chance to learn from good practice examples provided by country representatives.  

The series consists of five virtual workshops between May and June 2024.  

Webinar Series

To join the M-RAP virtual series, please register for each of the webinars on its event page below. 
