ASEAN Senior Level Workshop on Clean Air, Health and Climate

The Peninsula Manila
Makati City

The IPCC 1.5˚C Special Report emphasized the need for early action on all climate forcing emissions, including short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), as part of the pathway to stay well below 2˚C.

For many of us in the region, we have a parallel atmospheric challenge: air pollution and its effect on public health and development. A 2018 regional report sets out an approach that addresses air pollution whilst simultaneously contribute to global climate mitigation efforts.

The “Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-Based Solutions” report identified 25 “Clean Air Measures,” which if implemented across the region would result in 1 billion people enjoying clean air at the WHO’s strictest ambient standards by 2030.

Implementing the same 25 measures would also deliver 0.3˚C reduced global warming by 2040-2050 (relative to 2015): reduced CO2 emissions by 19%, methane by 44%, and black carbon by 77%.

Following the ministerial discussion on July 24, this workshop will:

  • demonstrate current and expected impacts of air pollution and climate change, highlighting latest international developments
  • showcase that solutions with major climate benefits, health benefits and other sustainable development goals exist and are already implemented
  • demonstrate the benefits of linking air quality and climate change planning and action and the opportunity of short-lived climate pollutants to tackle both issues and enhance ambition to achieve the 1.5°C temperature goal
  • gather commitments from ASEAN and neighbor countries to raise the ambition of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) by adding co-benefits and linked-up air quality and climate ambitions to be presented at the UN Climate Action Summit

