Climate Chance Summit Africa 28 June, 2018 - 29 June, 2018 02:00 Abidjan Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings Climate Chance Summit Africa The Climate Chance Association and the Assembly of Regions and Districts of Ivory Coast (ARDCI) will co-organize a regional summit dedicated to climate action in Africa. This event aims to convene a broad gathering of non-state actors from all over Africa to share and support action to fight climate change. Through 10 thematic workshops, it will highlight good practices and define sectoral and operational roadmaps adapted to the context in African territories. Overview of the Summit Bringing together non-state actors from all backgrounds and taking stock of the progress of non-state climate action in Africa. Working on sectoral and operational African roadmaps, establishing a link between climate and development stakes, providing a prominent position for the great adaptation stakes of the continent, offering to provide a link between climate funding and field agents, and involving non-state African actors from all backgrounds. Delivering common messages, action priorities, commitments, concrete proposals and recommendations from non-state African actors with respect to climate stakes, to be highlighted during the various events on the international climate agenda, with a focus on funding access. Pre-programme Plenary sessions African non-state actors faced with the challenge of climate change and of funding climate action: Do the initiatives match the needs? How to mobilise non-state African actors from all backgrounds => Talanoa Dialogue format: Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? Workshops Facilitating access by non-state African actors to climate funding Forming sustainable sectors Sustainable town planning for African cities Activating territorial climate plans in African territories Developing sustainable agriculture that conserves the soil and fosters reforestation Stepping up access to renewable energies and energy efficiency in Africa Fostering sustainable mobility and transport in Africa Anticipating adaptation issues in Africa, especially with respect to water resources Sustainable buildings and construction Education and training Focus groups: progress meetings on initiatives underway For more information about this event, please contact mobilisation [at] Event contact CCAC Secretariat [email protected] Organizers Cote d'Ivoire Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! iCal / MS Outlook