From Dialogue to Action: Opportunities for the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean within the framework of the Global Methane Pledge 6 July, 2022 - 7 July, 2022 11:00 - 13:20 (Panama) Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Register Now Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings From Dialogue To Action: Opportunities For The Agricultural Sector In Latin America and The Caribbean Within The Framework of The Global Methane Pledge Background The agricultural sector represents an important source of employment and income in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), with an estimated 54.6% of the labor force in rural areas linked to primary food production1. In addition to generating income, the regional agricultural sector also plays an important role in global food security, with an estimated 16% of total global exports of primary agricultural products and food coming from LAC2. The valuable benefits delivered by the sector are increasingly threatened by multiple challenges. The region has witnessed the impacts of climate change, with far reaching repercussions on the livelihoods of small and medium producers. At the same time, certain practices implemented in primary food production systems are associated with negative environmental impacts such as high levels of GHG emissions, evidenced by increases in methane emissions from enteric fermentation processes, management and application of manure and agricultural soils. Methane emissions in LAC correspond to 45.9 million tons, with the share from the livestock sector and rice cultivation amounting to 58.8% and 1.7%, respectively. Food losses and waste have also become an important source of emissions for food systems, reporting significant estimates at global level. As part of the initiatives promoted at COP26, the need to reduce global methane emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2020 levels) was recognized through the Global Methane Pledge. This initiative, led by the United States (USA) and the European Union (EU), has the support of 111 countries. Within the LAC region, 195 countries have joined the pledge, committing to collectively reduce methane emissions. Objective This meeting will support countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region in identifying collaboration opportunities for the fulfillment of the Global Methane Pledge. More specifically, the meeting will: Inform on the GMP, opportunities for addressing methane in the agriculture sector, and implications for countries as they prepare to meet their collective commitment under the Pledge. Facilitate an exchange between countries and strategic stakeholders. Inform on available support, so that the countries, the agricultural sector and strategic stakeholders can coordinate efforts to advance in the fulfillment of the Global Methane Pledge. Expected Outcome The dialogues are intended to catalyze concrete action and strengthen support for methane emission reduction initiatives to advance technical and policy work that will serve to underpin participants’ domestic actions. The dialogues will also result in coordinated and strategic partnerships, and empowered prepared partners to act on methane. Agenda Wednesday, 6th July: Global Methane Pledge: Perspectives from the agricultural sector 09:00 - 09:10 Welcome & Introduction 09:10 - 09:30 Global Methane Pledge: Background, objectives and progress to date ▪ Mr. Rick Duke, United States Deputy Special Envoy for Climate ▪ Ambassador Marc Vanheukelen, Ambassador for Climate Diplomacy at the European Union 09:30 - 09:50 Relevance of the Global Methane Pledge in the national climate and sustainable development agendas in the agricultural sector ▪ Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture/Environment 09:50 - 10:00 Interventions from the floor 10:00 - 10:20 Opportunities and challenges for methane reduction in the agricultural sector ▪ Dr. Harry Clark, Director, New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Center 10:20 - 10:30 National Perspectives: Key factors for aligning the Global Methane Pledge with the NDCs ▪ Cecilia Jones, Coordinator of the Sustainability and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay 10:30 - 11:00 Panel: Methane reduction initiatives in agriculture ▪ FedeArroz, “More rice with less emissions and less water consumption” ▪ Pathways to Dairy Net Zero- Donald Moore, Executive Director, Global Dairy Platform ▪ Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, Josefina Eisele, Regional Director 11:00 - 11:15 Interaction with the panel 11:15 - 11:20 Next Steps: From Dialogue to Action Thursday, 7th July: Informative session: Support opportunities for methane reduction 09:00 - 09:10 Welcome & Introduction (FAO) 09:10 - 10:30 Global Methane Pledge: Implementation and Support Mechanisms ▪ US Department of Agriculture - Claire Cvitanovich, Foreign Agricultural Service / Multilateral Affairs, Trade Policy and Geographic Affairs ▪ European Union (TBD) ▪ Climate and Clean Air Coalition – Martina Otto, Head of the CCAC Secretariat ▪ Global Methane Hub - Hayden Montgomery, Agriculture Program Director ▪ Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) (TBD) ▪ Pathways to Dairy Net Zero - Donald Moore, Executive Director, Global Dairy Platform ▪ Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - Lloyd Day, Deputy Director General ▪ Green Climate Fund – Marc Dumas-Johansen, Agriculture and food security specialist with the Division of Mitigation and Adaptation 10:30 - 10:50 Interventions from the floor 10:50 - 11:00 Concluding and Closing Remarks Tags Themes Agriculture Regions Latin America and the Caribbean Event contact Catalina Etcheverry Organizers Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! iCal / MS Outlook