Embedding SLCP mitigation objectives in livestock development strategies for scaled-up action: the case of Ethiopia and Bangladesh


The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) supports countries to identify increasingly ambitious actions, policies and targets across the agriculture sector. The CCAC demonstrates solutions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants that deliver quick benefits for the climate and air quality. All solutions are based on existing technology and can be carried out at no or low cost. 

As part of this process, the CCAC has been working to transform ruminant livestock production systems to improve productivity as well as reduce emissions of enteric methane per unit of animal product. With support of  the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the  CCAC supported enteric methane project had as objective to identify and disseminate innovative low-cost or no-cost solutions that can be packaged together to result in multiple benefits for farmers and producers in addition to reducing enteric methane emissions. 

The country assessments for Bangladesh and Ethiopia served as a launchpad for the second phase of work that focused on: (a) implementing methane mitigation at scale; and (b) supporting selected countries in replicating and extending the successful Phase 1 approach.

The CCAC supported Phase 2 enteric methane project managed to ensure the mainstreaming of investment choices that reduce methane emission intensity in two large scale World Bank investment projects in Ethiopia and in Bangladesh, and in one GEF project in Uruguay with a combined investment value of nearly half a billion USD. Under this initiative, the CCAC supported awareness-raising activities, policy dialogue, data collection and modelling of methane emissions reduction potentials under different scenarios, in direct collaboration with the project design teams. This resulted in the adoption of mitigation targets in the result framework, activities geared towards these targets and high climate change co-benefits.

Objective of the session:To demonstrate and promote the prioritisation of SLCP reduction approaches into country level livestock development investments. This will build on the lessons learned from the World Bank projects in Ethiopia and Bangladesh where CCAC funding enabled a greater focus on SLCP reductions.

Programme of the session:




Hayden Montgomery,GRA Special Representative

5 mins



Global Methane Assessment Findings for the Agriculture Sector

Drew Shindell, Special Advisor for Action on Methane, CCAC

10 mins


Presentation 1

State of IFI investment in Sustainable Livestock

Martien van Nieuwkoop Global Director for the Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank

10 mins

13:25 - 13:35

Presentation 2

Low cost strategies to reduce enteric methane- results from CCAC supported studies in Ethiopia and Bangladesh

Aimable Uwizeye Livestock Policy Officer, FAO

10 mins

13:35 - 13:45

Presentation 3

Mainstreaming ag SLCP reductions measuresinto large scale agricultural investments; lessons from Ethiopia and Bangladesh

Pierre Gerber, Senior Livestock Specialist, World Bank

10 mins

13:45 - 13:55

Q&A Session

Discussion with panelists, based on inputs from the audience and the moderator

Moderated by Harry Clark, Senior CCAC Ag Technical Advisor

30 mins

13:55 - 14:05


Wrap-up and key messages

 Harry Clark, CCAC Ag Technical Advisor

10 mins




Pollutants (SLCPs)

Event resources