Fluorocarbon Banks Inventories Workshop

(New York)

This event is organized by the CCAC together with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan/Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management (IFL), Climate Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA), Carbon Containment Lab and UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in the margins of, but independent from, the Forty-Sixth Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG-46).

Lifecycle Refrigerant Management (LRM) has been identified as one of the focus areas of the CCAC Cooling Hub and this workshop aims to familiarize participants with approaches and experiences in preparing national inventories of banks of controlled substances and national plans for management of these substances, in support of the work being funded by the Multilateral Fund pursuant to Decision 91/66 of the Executive Committee of the Fund. 


July 07, 2024
Day & time Topic Speakers
9:00 Opening Remarks Makoto Kato, Japan, CCAC Cooling Hub Co-Lead
9:15 The importance of managing banks and the strategies to minimize bank emissions, Presentation: 20 minutes, Q and A: 10 minutes Richie Kaur, NRDC
9:45 Criteria for a Funding Window for an Inventory of Banks of Used or Unwanted Controlled Substances and a Plan for Collection, Transport and Disposal of Such Substances, Presentation: 15 minutes, Q and A: 15 minutes Alejandro Ramirez-Pabon, MLF Secretariat
10:30 General guidance: how to conduct an ODS and HFC banks inventory and action plan. Including steps to be taken/data sources for preparation, in compiling inventory and national plans. COPA Publications / Resources on the topics: Guideline on how to conduct an inventory on ODS and HFC banks, Potential Policy Framework, ODS/HFC Reclamation and Destruction Technologies, Presentation: 20 minutes, Q and A: 10 minutes Ellen Michel, Head of COPA Secretariat
11:00 Inventory: approaches and key methodologies for ODS and HFC banks inventory: Overview of methodologies available, pro and cons for each, Recommendation for one methodology, Presentation: 30 minutes, Q and A: 15 minutes Irene Papst, HEAT GmbH
11:45 Interactive working session with recommended methodology, trying out (participants) calculation examples. Irene Papst, HEAT GmbH
13:15 Country experiences: Conducting national inventory of banks of controlled substances and Examples of national plans for management of these substances - Challenges, solutions, and lessons learned, including on Data collection and management, Institutional arrangement, Stakeholders engagement and capacity building - Country Presentations: 10 minutes each country, Discussion: 50 minutes Facilitator: Makoto Kato, IFL Secretariat Speaker/panelist from countries: Finland, Tunisia, Ghana, Japan
14:45 Panel Discussion: Implementing agencies on step by step “approach” to helping A5 countries prepare their Inventory and Plan, 3-5 minute presentations followed by discussion on pre-prepared questions Facilitator: Ana Maria Kleymeyer, FSM Panelists: Carlos Andres, UNDP, Khaled Klaly, UNEP OzonAction, Yunrui Zhou, UNIDO, Mary-Ellen Foley, Worldbank, Ellen Michel, Germany
15:30 Break-Out session: Discussion and proposal on way forward for Article 5 countries, Challenges and how to overcome them, e.g. smuggling, transportation, re-usable containers/bottles, training curriculum, certificates, availability of technology and knowledge, incentives for technicians, 3 groups split in CR5 (English), Rooms 7A (Spanish) and 7B (French) Denise San Valentin, CCAC Secretariat
16:30 Gaps and potential solutions to address them: Need for sustainable business models, Innovative policy approaches, Technical guidance, Options for financing Tilden Chao, Carbon Containment Lab
17:00 Closing Remarks Miruza Mohamed, Maldives, CCAC Cooling Hub Co-Lead
Pollutants (SLCPs)