Global Methane Forum & CCAC Science Policy Dialogue and Working Group Meetings

Washington D.C.

The Global Methane Forum, co-hosted by the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), will take place from March 28 to March 30, 2016.  The Forum will be followed by a Science Policy Dialogue on March 31, and the CCAC Working Group Meeting on April 1. All events will be held at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center in Washington DC, USA.

The Global Methane Forum is the premier event on international methane mitigation and provides an unparalleled venue to hold the conversation on international methane reduction and a forum for participants to explore new technologies, policies, and opportunities for methane abatement strategies. It will also offer participants a platform to share and learn from both GMI and CCAC country partners as well as key participants from GMI’s 1,000+ public and private sector partners. Breakout sessions will include discussions on CCAC initiative topics such as agriculture, oil & gas and municipal solid waste. The plenary sessions will feature high-level speakers from government ministries, multilateral development banks, and representatives from the private sector. The Forum also will include a sector-specific site visit near Washington, D.C., to highlight existing methane reduction technology within a GMI target sector.

Participants can expect:

  • High-level plenary sessions on cross-cutting issues such as project financing and policy.
  • Technical sessions on biogas (agricultural sources, municipal solid waste, municipal wastewater systems), coal mines, and oil and natural gas systems.
  • Joint GMI Subcommittee – CCAC Initiative level discussions on policy and projects.
  • Opportunities for networking with methane experts in the public and private sectors from around the world.


On March 31, directly following the Global Methane Forum, the CCAC is holding a Science Policy Dialogue on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants beyond methane, and a meeting of the CCAC Working Group on April 1. CCAC partners will also organize initiative meetings on 29 – 30 March that are open to all interested participants (details will follow).



For more information contact the GMI Administrative Support Group at asg [at]


CCAC Science Policy Dialogue March 31

On March 31, the CCAC will hold its second annual Science Policy Dialogue on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). The Science Policy Dialogue is organized by the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition. The main purpose is to:

  • share knowledge and updates on current SLCP science;
  • identify a priority list of gaps and needs for integrating SLCP actions into science-based robust policy making; with special focus on accounting for SLCP emissions reduction benefits, including how SLCP emissions reduction can contribute the climate objective of “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius”; and
  • improve interaction between the SAP, other experts, Coalition Partners and additional countries.

The Science Policy Dialogue will equip participants with the most relevant information to help them pursue SLCP-related actions nationally or locally.

Science Policy Dialogue Background Papers:


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