High-Level Roundtable: Enhancing NDCs Through Action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants 9 December, 2020 14:00 - 15:15 (UTC) Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Register Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings High-Level Roundtable: Enhancing NDCs Through Action On Short-Lived Climate Pollutants As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement on 12th December, attention is focused what steps countries are taking to strengthen their emissions reduction targets and national climate commitments. Significant reduction of highly potent short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) is essential to advancing climate ambition while also boosting economies and quality of life for all. SLCPs such as methane, black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and tropospheric ozone are warming the atmosphere and poisoning the air we breathe. Air pollution contributes to an estimated 7 million deaths per year and cause a significant number of health and development problems. Fast action to reduce these potent climate forcers is essential to achieving the goal of limiting global warming to below 1.5°C, preventing millions of premature deaths, improving food security, and attaining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Already, some countries – including Chile and Rwanda – have included action on short-lived climate pollutants in their enhanced nationally determined contributions (NDCs), while others are considering how they can do so. During this virtual event, high-level government representatives from Chile, Rwanda and other countries will share opportunities to tackle SLCPs in enhanced NDCs and inform ambitious action and advocacy in the lead up to the Paris anniversary Climate Ambition Summit and to COP26 next year. The audience will be able to participate in the discussion through a question-and-answer session at the end of the presentations. Speakers include: Dr. Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, Minister of Environment, Rwanda Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar, Minister of Envrionment, Nigeria Sir Nicholas Kay, COP26 Ambassador for Africa Mr. Andres Landerretche, National COP25 Coordinator, Chile Mr. Enkhbat Altangerel, Director General, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia Mr. Brendan Devlin, Adviser on Strategy and Foresight, Directorate General for Energy, The European Commission Ms. Juliet Kabera, Director General of Rwanda Environment Management Authority, Rwanda Mr. Felipe Diaz, International Negotiator, SLCPs and Transparency, Ministry of Environment Mr. John Henry Melo Pineda, General Coordinator NDC Update Process, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia Ms. Romina Picolotti, Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) Mr. Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President And Managing Director, World Resources Institute Mrs. Helena Molin-Valdes, Head, Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat Tags Themes Emissions assessments National policy and planning Event contact Denise San Valentin secretariat@ccacoalition.org Organizers Rwanda Chile World Resources Institute (WRI) Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! Outlook.com Office.com iCal / MS Outlook