Integrating Sustainable Cooling in Recovery Policies for a Greener Future 11 February, 2021 05:00 (Nairobi) Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Register Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings Integrating Sustainable Cooling In Recovery Policies For a Greener Future Acting on cooling now means we can improve our health, well-being and prosperity while stimulating economic activity. By focusing on five priority areas - Buildings, Appliances, Urban Environments, Cold Chains, R&D in Sustainable Technologies - we can support a resilient and climate proof recovery. At this event, organized by the Cool Coalition, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition and E3G, experts will discuss what policy levers are available and which action can help us get on track to accelerate the deployment of sustainable cooling solutions globally as part of a green recovery, in line with a pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050. They will also demonstrate that the benefits of tackling cooling clearly outweigh the costs of mitigation policies. A new publication outlining actionable strategies and best practices on sustainable cooling integration in recovery policies will be also be launched during the event. Event contact Denise San Valentin [email protected] Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! iCal / MS Outlook