Launch of CCAC Hubs


We invite all CCAC Partners and interested parties to a Launch of the CCAC’s new Hubs via Webex scheduled for Wednesday, 23 February 2022.

The meeting will be held twice to capture all time zones: 8:00-10:00 CET (UTC+1) and again from 16:00-18:00 CET (UTC+1).

In line with the CCAC’s 2030 Strategy, the CCAC is launching a Planning Hub plus six sector-based Hubs focused on SLCP mitigation agriculture, waste, fossil fuels, household energy, heavy-duty vehicles and engines, and efficient cooling. Each Hub will coordinate closely with the SLCP Planning Hub. 

The sector-based Hubs will provide a forum to share best practices and country experiences on implementation, highlight national action, host science-policy discussions and updates, and collaborate to scale up SLCP action. In addition, they will support implementation of the Global Methane Pledge to contribute to a collective effort to reduce global methane emissions at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030, which could eliminate over 0.2ËšC warming by 2050. 

Each Hub is guided by its Engagement Strategy and will be open to all CCAC Partners and interested parties, co-led by a minimum of two countries and guided by a Hub Leadership group. Co-leads will chair Full Hub meetings and will be supported by the Hub Leadership group, which will be comprised of both State and Non-State Partners. The Co-leads and Hub Leadership group will meet separately as a smaller group to provide strategic guidance on the implementation of the sector’s Engagement Strategy. 

Hub participants will benefit from 1-2 Full Hub virtual meetings per year and 1 meeting on the margins of the CCAC Annual Meeting that will focus on:

  • Science-policy
  • Implementation
  • Projects and priorities, with a focus on matchmaking partners with countries 

As per the CCAC Work Plan and Budget for 2022, a total of $3 million USD will be allocated to implement the Engagement Strategies as informed by the priorities identified by Hub participants. The CCAC will be launching a call for proposals in spring 2022. Details on the funding process, including criteria and timelines will be provided during the meeting on 23 February.