A Look to the Future: Harnessing the Strength of the Montreal Protocol for Global Climate, Health, and Economic Benefits


After more than three decades of action, the Montreal Protocol continues to demonstrate its capacity to identify risks to the atmosphere, generate technical and economic solutions, and quickly put them into action for results the world can trust will endure. This combination of an agile decision-making body supported by a team of global experts specializing in all relevant sectors, along with a solid financing mechanism, provides a powerful model for future climate wins. 
In the context of such a well-functioning system, this event gathers a panel of experts to discuss what more the Montreal Protocol can and should do to protect the atmosphere, especially in light of the worsening climate crisis. Speakers will discuss issues where national programs offer opportunities for scaling out to other countries, the possibility of accelerating ongoing work, extension of the Protocol to serve related problems, and a look at ways to fine tune this formidable environmental body.

Join this conversation for a look at the future of the Montreal Protocol.



  • HFCs, Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, and Energy Efficiency 
  • Accelerating the HFC Phase Down
  • Climate Co-Benefits of Strategic Kigali Implementation 
  • Mobilizing Global Action on N2O up to 2030 and Beyond, Including Through the Montreal Protocol

Building on a History of Success

  • Institutional, Economic and Policy Tools and Solutions Moving Forward