Methods and Tools to Evaluate, Assess and Communicate the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Piloted Initiatives to Accelerate the Elimination of Open Waste Burning

Waste and Resources Pavilion (Blue Zone)

Accelerating actions to eliminate open waste burning is encapsulated in the Marrakech partnership Global Climate Action Sharm El Sheik Adaptation Agenda under the human settlement impact system with an adaptation outcome. 

We envisage this session will showcase the initial phase of the implementation of $2 million pilot projects from the multi-stakeholder partnership to eliminate open waste burning in developing countries prioritising Africa, Latin America and Asia. 

The pilot projects will demonstrate the tools and methods to evaluate, assess and communicate best practices and solutions towards building a robust evidence base.

The session will elaborate how the pilots are prioritizing bridging the data and information gap, how their initiatives are working to redress under-reporting and uncertainty in estimating the prevalence of open waste burning and the impacts on the environment and climate change as well as the safety, livelihoods and health of marginalized communities including informal sector workers, youth, women and children.

We will showcase innovative and best practices in raising awareness with communities, local governments and national policymakers and showcasing locally driven solutions that can be used to tackle open burning of waste. 

We will highlight the inclusion of waste and circularity in the national and local climate change planning, air and plastic pollution programmes, and provide tools to monitor the implementation of measures.