The Pathway to the Paris Targets Matters (side event at Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week)


The Paris Climate Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) explicitly links the world’s long-term climate and near-term sustainability agendas, emphasizing that efforts to address climate change should occur within “the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.” In the context of sustainable development, the path the world takes to meet the long-term temperature targets is as important as achieving the target itself, particularly for those that are already suffering from the impacts of climate change and poor air quality.

The session will describe the Multiple Benefits Pathway Approach that is being developed by partners of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), and its application by a number of countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region. This approach requires developing integrated emissions inventories and scenarios that include all climate forcing emissions. Many countries have assessed the actions they can take to reduce emissions, how this impacts near- and long-term warming, the important multiple-benefits provided by these actions. These integrated assessments enable decision-makers to compare different policies and measures, both in terms of temperature, time, and multiple-benefits, and identify strategies that provide the maximum benefits across a range of climate and development indicators and that are appropriate to their national context and ambition.

This side event will be held at the Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week. More information about the speakers will be released closer to the event.

Event resources

Event Documents
Hoja de Ruta de Múltiples Beneficios (Presentaciones)