Strengthening climate promises: near-term mitigation via joint action on NDC provisions & air quality

COP25, Room 1

Global mitigation commitments are far from being sufficient, and countries are required to update their NDC in 2020. What is the potential for integrated action on air quality and climate to ratchet up climate mitigation efforts? How can inclusion of short-lived climate forcing pollutants (SLCPs) such as methane and black carbon in climate plans benefit near-term climate, air quality, and health? This event showcases activities of national and nongovernmental actors that tackle both climate and air quality challenges.

See here for a full list of CCAC events at COP25


Opening Remarks and Welcome

  • Dr. Muhammed Mahmood Abubakar, Honorable Minister, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria; Dr. Yerima Peter Tarfa, Director, Department of Climate Change, Nigeria
  • Prof. Dr. Mark G. Lawrence, Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)

Impulse Presentations

  • Dan McDougall, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) – Enhancing NDCs, reducing air pollution and improving human health
  • Dr. Shareen Yawanarajah, EDF International Policy Manager – Methane measures for enhancing climate ambition and supporting air quality measures
  • (tbc) Federal Government of Mexico and IASS - Air quality as a co-benefit in Mexican policies and context
  • Bala Bappa, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria – Development of Nigeria’s National Action Plan on SLCPs

Panel Discussion

  • Moderation by Kathleen Mar and Charlotte Unger, IASS

Closing Remarks

  • Asmau Jibril, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria