WEBINAR: In-field black carbon emissions of liquid, gas, and high-performing biomass stoves

(New York)

This webinar, designed for new and existing partners, will examine the results of two research studies commissioned by the Clean Cooking Alliance and funded by the Climate & Clean Air Coalition to understand the in-field black carbon emissions from liquid, gas, and high-performing biomass stoves. This webinar will provide insights from two recently completed field studies in Nepal and Rwanda examining how higher performing stoves and fuels can potentially reduce the climate impacts from black carbon emissions.


Black carbon emissions occur due to the incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels and are a significant source of both climate change and air pollution. While we know that up to 25% of black carbon emissions come from household solid-fuel use, few studies have been conducted to measure the emissions reduction potential of the household use of liquid, gas, or high-performing biomass cookstoves. Though the laboratory data indicates that consistent use of higher performing cookstoves and fuels, at scale, could have a significant climate benefit, previous research shows that how cookstoves are used in households often greatly differs from the ideal settings in a lab. These two studies seek to answer whether liquid, gas, and high-performing biomass cookstoves provide measurable climate benefits when used in households in Nepal and Rwanda. 

The Rwanda study, led by Andy Grieshop, PhD and his team from North Carolina State University, assessed the emissions from the Mimi Moto forced-draft pellet-fed semi-gasifier cookstove in urban and rural homes in Gisenyi, Rwanda. Emissions were sampled in-field during cooking events for the Mimi Moto, as well as traditional wood (three stove fire) and charcoal (coalpot/Jiko) cookstoves for comparison.

The Nepal study, led by Ryan Thompson, PhD and his team from Mountain Air Engineering, assessed the emissions from biogas, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and biomass cookstoves used by households in Kavre, Nepal. Emissions were sampled in-field during cooking events for biogas and LPG and compered to sampled measurements from wood cookstoves.

The objectives of both studies were to: 1) measure emission factors from in-home use of the three stove types, 2) compare emission factors to existing lab and field measurements, and 3) characterize the optical properties of the aerosols emitted during cooking. Both studies took into account seasonality and fuel quality.


This work was funded by Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC).


The webinar will start with a brief presentation by the Clean Cooking Alliance’s Senior Director of Evidence and Impact, Donee Alexander. Dr. Alexander will provide an overview of the webinar and discuss the purpose of this research and how it adds to the evidence base for clean cooking interventions and the potential for climate change mitigation. Then, Yekbun Gurgoz of CCAC will present on the importance of understanding black carbon emissions and the role of CCAC in the clean cooking sector.

The next 40 minutes will feature presentations of the research, methods, and results of the studies in Nepal and Rwanda by the researchers. These presentations will then be followed by a brief discussion of the broader implication of the research and its relevance for policy makers and the clean cooking sector at large.

The webinar will reserve time for Q&A.

About the Webinar Series

This webinar is part of a series that provides an overview of highlights, sector trends, upcoming opportunities for partners, and features on specific tools, resources, and engagement activities in the clean cookstoves and fuels sector.  

  • Donee Alexander, PhD, Senior Director of Evidence & Impact, Clean Cooking Alliance
  • Yekbun Gurgoz, Finance & Household Energy Initiative Coordinator, Climate & Clean Air Coalition
  • Ryan Thompson, PhD, Mountain Air Engineering
  • Andrew Grieshop, PhD, North Carolina State University
  • Katie Pogue, Manager of Environment & Climate, Clean Cooking Alliance