World Cities Day: BreatheLife into cities for clean air, climate and health 30 October, 2020 10:00 (New York) Virtual Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Register Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings World Cities Day: BreatheLife Into Cities For Clean Air, Climate and Health More than half of the world’s population lives in cities today. A city’s most important asset is the health of its citizens. Yet, more than 80 per cent of people living in urban areas are exposed to air pollution levels that exceed World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines, and 98 per cent of large cities in low-income regions suffer from unhealthy air. Without concerted effort, air pollution in many cities will continue to worsen and climate change will accelerate. Around the world, cities are committing to achieve WHO Air Quality Guidelines by 2030 through BreatheLife. BreatheLife combines public health and climate change expertise with guidance on implementing solutions to air pollution in support of global development goals. Cities can play a key role in the fight against air pollution and climate change – by instituting policies and programs to curb emissions and promote the use of clean energy, and driving national action to prevent air pollution from sources outside the urban center. Join us for a webinar that will explore on how cities are overcoming barriers to implementing air pollution solutions that provide multiple benefits for health and climate. Speakers will highlight solutions in the transportation, waste, and household energy sectors, with a specific focus on the role of communities in driving change. AGENDA Welcome - Valuing the role of our communities and cities in the fight for clean air Moderator: Glynda Bathan, Deputy Executive Director, Clean Air Asia Tackling urban air quality, climate change and health at the same time Helena Molin Valdes, Head, Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat Unlocking the power of the health sector to achieve clean air Nathalie Roebbel, Coordinator for Air Pollution and Urban Health, World Health Organization Monitoring air quality to drive solutions in London, UK Oliver Lord, Head of Policy and Campaigns, Global Clean Air for Environmental Defense Fund Europe Promoting the transition to electric vehicles in Quito, Ecuador Maria Valeria Diaz Suarez, Quito Air Quality Monitoring Coordinator, Environmental Secretariat Achieving multiple benefits for climate, health and air quality from waste separation in Accra, Ghana Desmond Appiah, Chief Sustainability and Resilience Advisor to the Mayor of Accra 10 min – Q&A 5 min – Wrap up, Moderator, Glynda Bathan, Deputy Executive Director, Clean Air Asia Event contact Sandra Cavalieri [email protected] Organizers Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! iCal / MS Outlook