Brazil Approves National Air Quality Management System (MonitoAr)

by Climate and Clean Air Coalition - 23 May, 2024
Brazil is ramping up efforts to improve air quality management, recognizing its detrimental effects on public health, the environment, and the economy.

Air pollution, a major contributor to respiratory illnesses and hospital admissions, also incurs significant state expenses due to increased healthcare needs and medication costs. Beyond health, it damages infrastructure through material corrosion and affects the ecosystem via acid rain and reduced visibility.

The National Environmental Council (Conama) plays a pivotal role in regulating air quality in Brazil. Key legislations include Conama Resolution No. 5/1989, which inaugurated the National Air Quality Control Program (Pronar), and Conama Resolution No. 491/2018, which set forth National Air Quality Standards. Additionally, Conama has established emission limits for both fixed and mobile sources.

The current reality in Brazil is illustrative of the scale of the challenge we face and the impacts caused by pollution. The air quality agenda demands inter-state coordination. TAddressing the scale of pollution-related challenges, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) is spearheading initiatives to enhance air quality monitoring networks across the country. This federal endeavor, in collaboration with state and municipal governments, aims to ensure sustainable socioeconomic development without compromising environmental safety.

A significant stride in this direction is the recently approved National Air Quality Management System (MonitoAr), implemented and maintained by the MMA. MonitoAr provides real-time air quality information to the public and state officials, facilitating informed decision-making and immediate responses to pollution levels.

The National Policy outlines critical measures, such as setting maximum atmospheric emission limits, maintaining detailed emission inventories, and adopting rigorous air quality standards and monitoring protocols. Furthermore, it calls for the creation of sectoral plans targeting pollution control across various emission sources.

The recently approved policy will enable progress in fundamental actions, among which we highlight prevention, systemic vision, sustainable development, preservation of public health, well-being and environmental quality for present and future generations, objectives of law.

For more information about the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change work air quality, click here.