CCAC Junior Digital Communications Consultant by CCAC Secretariat - 18 July, 2024 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Print Breadcrumb Home News and Announcements CCAC Junior Digital Communications Consultant CCAC website and social media is updated on a daily basis with high-quality content, production of creative written and audio-visual content, high-quality and regular newsletter content and dissemination. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) hosts the Secretariat at the Economy Division in Paris. To advance its communications activities, the CCAC Secretariat seeks a creative, highly organised and dynamic individual to create digital content development and support website and social media presence. The CCAC Digital Communications Consultant will produce engaging and creative content, compelling written and audio-visual products, and disseminate important CCAC news and progress updates throughout the CCAC channels. Output expectations: Supporting delivering comprehensive monthly social media content. Supporting daily updates to the website with fresh, relevant content. Supporting detailed monthly reports on social media and website analytics. Supporting the creation of high-quality social media cards with creatives, short videos and infographics. Supporting writing and publishing success stories and human-interest stories from CCAC projects and partners. Supporting the development of content and dissemination of monthly newsletters that are visually appealing and content-rich. For full details and to apply click here.