Job Opening: CCAC National Agricultural Methane Planning Expert for Azerbaijan by CCAC Secretariat - 15 December, 2024 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Print Breadcrumb Home News and Announcements Job Opening: CCAC National Agricultural Methane Planning Expert For Azerbaijan We are seeking one National Methane Planning Expert for the agriculture sector, collaborating with the Government of Azerbaijan to develop a methane reduction roadmap for the agriculture (livestock sub-sector) sector. The CCAC Methane Planning Consultant will be responsible for: Supporting the definition of an agricultural methane roadmap based on the inputs provided by the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, and other line ministries. The roadmap should follow the CCAC M-RAP Methane Roadmap template and its five building blocks. The methane roadmap should integrate input from relevant stakeholders from different sectors. • Coordinate the preparation of Methane Roadmap for the livestock sector findings for presentation to the government of Azerbaijan. Ensure an inclusive process involving key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, other relevant ministries, farmer associations, NGOs, the private sector, and academia, for the integration of recommendations into national frameworks. The roadmap should demonstrate alignment with climate policies, air pollution control, and agriculture policies. A collaborative approach should be taken to engage stakeholders in shaping methane reduction strategies. • Recommendations for the inclusion of agricultural methane in Azerbaijan’s NDC 3.0. The expected outputs of the consultancy are: • A map of agricultural stakeholders related to methane emissions in Azerbaijan, considering their interests, influence, and concerns and a stakeholder engagement plan. • A Summary of existing data on agricultural livestock methane emissions in Azerbaijan (using the M-RAP methane roadmap template). • A mapping of relevant existing and planned plans and policies across agriculture and environment to be analysed (using the M-RAP methane roadmap template). • Stakeholder meetings with line ministries convened before and during development of the plan to inform it. • A methane roadmap for the livestock sub-sector following a methodology agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the CCAC Secretariat with clear responsibilities, timelines, monitoring mechanisms and a resources mobilisation strategy for its implementation. For full details and to apply, click here.