Job Opening – CCAC National Agriculture Expert for Indonesia by CCAC Secretariat - 29 April, 2024 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Print Breadcrumb Home News and Announcements Job Opening – CCAC National Agriculture Expert For Indonesia The CCAC National Agriculture Expert will work in close collaboration with the CCAC Secretariat team and the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS to develop methane mitigation scenarios for the irrigated rice sector. These scenarios will inform Indonesia's 5-year medium-term plan, currently under development. The consultant will also prepare policy recommendations outlining achievable methane reduction targets and actionable strategies; and will deliver a plan for disseminating these mitigation techniques to Indonesian rice farmers. The CCAC is therefore seeking a National Agriculture Expert to develop a comprehensive methane mitigation assessment for the rice sector with policy recommendations outlining achievable methane reduction targets and actionable strategies. The Expert will also deliver a plan for disseminating these mitigation techniques to Indonesian rice farmers. Output 1.1: Methane mitigation assessment for the irrigated rice sector.Output 2.1: Compilation of policy recommendations based on assessment findings. Output 3.1: Formulation of action plans for methane emission reduction, comprising: Output 4.1: A comprehensive framework for the Indonesian government, including: Output 5.1: Participate in SLCP-relevant events. For full details and to apply, click here. Tags Countries Indonesia