Job Opening: Methane Planning Expert - Angola

by CCAC Secretariat - 13 August, 2024
The CCAC National Methane Planning Consultant will be responsible for supporting the definition of a cross-sectoral methane roadmap based on the inputs provided by the Ministry of Environment and other line ministries. The roadmap should follow the CCAC M-RAP Methane Roadmap template and its five building blocks. The methane roadmap should integrate input from relevant stakeholders from different sectors.

By participating in the Global Methane Pledge, Angola has made a voluntary commitment towards the objective to reduce global methane emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels. 

This consultancy will support the Government of Angola to develop a National Methane Roadmap that will serve as input to its NDC 3.0 and contribute to achieving its commitment under the Global Methane Pledge.

Angola developed a National Strategy on Climate Change (ENAC 2022-20235) in 2022 that articulates objectives, instruments and institutions in the pursuit of sustained economic growth and sustainable development. The strategy identifies actions for mitigation and adaptation that deliver against the provision of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Based on the ENAC, Angola is working on its NDC 3.0 process and in identifying targets and measures for both mitigation and adaptation for different sectors.  CCAC is seeking a National Methane Planning Consultant to assist the Ministry of Environment in developing a national methane roadmap for Angola that clearly outlines Angola’s contribution to achieving the Global Methane Pledge and that supports the inclusion of methane in its NDC 3.0 .   

To achieve this the consultant will establish and implement a planning process to engage all relevant stakeholders for effective methane mitigation and work with them to:

 i) identify priority methane mitigation measures in major methane-emitting source sectors (agriculture, waste and fossil fuel production),
ii) quantify the methane emission reduction potential and other benefits from the implementation of these measures, 
iii) develop implementation pathways for these mitigation measures that can be turned into concrete methane mitigation projects and 
iv) develop a methane roadmap that is endorsed at high-political level, and v) prepare recommendations for the inclusion of methane in Angola’s NDC 3.0.  

Click here for full details and to apply.

Pollutants (SLCPs)