Video: Norway's efforts to reduce short-lived climate pollutants

by CCAC secretariat - 27 January, 2016
This video outlines the rationale for action on SLCPs and the steps Norway is taking to reduce them.

A new video produced by the Norwegian Environment Agency describes short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), their sources and effects, and how the Norwegian government has worked to reduce emissions.

The film was made by Snöball Film AS on assignment for the Norwegian Environment Agency, and in co-operation with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

The Norwegian Environment Agency works extensively with SLCPs by:

  • promoting new research in the field of SLCPs
  • publishing annual emissions inventories together with Statistics Norway
  • analyzing possible measures and instruments
  • providing advice to the Ministry of Climate and Environment
  • and monitoring atmospheric concentrations of SLCPs


You find out more information about their work here:

Reducing Short-lived Climate Pollutants: Norway's Experience
Click on the image above to watch the video
Remote video URL