Newsletter: March 2021


A layer of ozone, also known as smog, hangs over the City of Los Angeles. © Adobe Stock. Methane's links to respiratory diseases

The threat that methane poses to global efforts to prevent climate change is becoming more well known. Methane emissions are increasing and because methane is many times more powerful than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere, these emissions are supercharging global warming.

However, an impact of methane emissions that tends to receive less attention, is that it is a key ingredient in the formation of another greenhouse gas, ozone, in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is a prime element of smog and is toxic to humans and plants.

More methane health impacts


SLCP planning project launched in India

The CCAC-funded project will propose integrated climate, air pollution and short-lived climate pollutant strategies for India based on the potential additional benefits for health, agricultural productivity and sustainable development. The project team will work in consultation with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, as well as state-level and industry stakeholders.

Find out more

New SAP members

We welcome our new Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) members: Ilse Aben, Kristin Aunan, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Marielle Saunois, and UNEP’s new Chief Scientist, Andrea Hinwood, as ex-officio.

In addition to improving the gender balance of the SAP, these new members will enhance the Coalition's ability to address questions on methane mitigation, modelling, and the socio-economic aspects of air pollution and health.

This year the SAP will expand with an additional five members. The Coalition is seeking from all Partners nominations of qualified candidates by 16 April. Please submit the completed nomination form to the CCAC Secretariat.

Our partners in action

Germany Recognizing the vital role of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), Germany includes them in their broader climate change and clean air agenda and champions SLCP mitigation around the world. In 2019, Germany included SLCPs in their Climate Action Programme 2030 and Climate Change Act commitments to reducing greenhouse gases by at least 55 percent by 2030.

New Zealand In 2019, New Zealand passed the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act, setting targets to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases (other than biogenic methane) to zero by 2050 and biogenic emissions to 10% below 2017 levels by 2030 and to 24-27% by 2050. Addressing agricultural emissions will be key to meeting their methane-specific targets.

Jobs & funding

Call for expressions of inerest: Regional working groups on food waste

UNEP's initiative “Global Opportunities for SDGS” (GO4SDGs), together with WRAP and One Planet Network's Programme on Sustainable food Systems, is launching Regional Working Groups on Food Waste to provide capacity building on the measurement and reduction of food waste, and peer-to-peer collaboration between countries as they tackle similar food waste reduction challenges. Working groups will be convened for Asia Pacific, West Asia, Africa, and Latin America & the Caribbean. Governments in each region are invited to respond to the Call for Expressions of Interest below by 9 April 2021 to propose their participation.

Vacancy: Programme Manager (East Asia Clean Air Cities Network) The ICLEI East Asia Secretariat is seeking an experienced programme manager for the development and management of the East Asia Clean Air Cities Network’s activities in the region, including strategic planning, programme partnership, supervision of project team, fund raising, and providing support on membership expansion and administration.

Upcoming events

Carbon and climate pollutants: A global sectorial approach. The case of HFCs and methane. 17 April (Saturday)

This webinar will take stock of what action has already been implemented for HFCs under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and explore the feasibility of a global agreement between firms emitting methane based on a global emissions permits market. 

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