Newsletter: November 2018


Message from the Secretariat

November has brought air quality to the headlines in many ways, with the participation of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

First, the World Health Organization’s First Conference on Air Pollution and Health, supported by the Coalition, brought new engagement, with many commitments for action and new cities, countries and non-state actors joining the BreatheLife campaign. Together with the Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership, we launched the report Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific – Science Based Solutions. It shows how the region could bring clean, safe air to 1 billion people by implementing 25 concrete solutions. This report attracted a lot of attention in media and among member states.

Second, the Better Air Quality Conference took place in Malaysia, where the important link between air pollution and climate change was made by many speakers. The Coalition and its partners showed how local and regional action to improve air quality can have a global impact for climate mitigation and help us chart a more sustainable path to the future.

We will work towards a strong action programme for 2019 where we bring stronger leadership to work both on climate and clean air objectives, for multiple benefits, which is responding to the urgency to avoid global warming and stay on track for 1.5°C, as per the findings of the recent IPCC Special Report. This will be the focus of the upcoming High Level Assembly in Katowicwe, 11 December.    


Not just carbon dioxide

Although carbon dioxide is the single-largest agent driving global warming, there are several others - many of which bring additional risks to health.

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Montreal Protocol aims high in Quito to avoid 1ºC of future warming

At the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Montreal Protocol, the Parties took their strongest action yet under the Kigali Amendment.

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$3 million Global Cooling Prize launched to find innovative, climate friendly, technologies for residential cooling

The Global Cooling Prize is looking for climate-friendly residential cooling solutions that can provide cooling for all without warming the planet.

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Scientists Confirm Ozone Layer Healing Thanks to Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol—is continuing to heal the protective stratospheric ozone layer and also protecting the climate, a key scientific assessment has concluded.

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BreatheLife welcomes nine new members at the first WHO Conference on Air Pollution and Health

The members come from all regions of the world, and bring with them a wide range of action, aspirations and commitments to the global fight for clean air.

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Endorse now: Climate and Clean Air Coalition's Talanoa Statement & Joint Submission

The statement calls for fast action on short-lived climate pollutants. Endorsement is open to all countries and organizations.

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Upcoming events
News from the web
Funds, grants & awards

Call for proposals for Climate & Clean Energy Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) Details →

Call for proposals Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund: Deadline: 16 January 2019 Details →


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