Newsletter: September 2021

Global Methane Pledge announced

On September 17, Joe Biden, President of the United States, announced a U.S. and European Union initiative to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. The Global Methane Pledge is the first of its kind in the world and represents a new front in global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

The CCAC is urging countries to join and looks forward to working with all partners to continue efforts to reduce methane emissions.

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Webinar series on government action
The livestock sector is resopnsible for 32 per cent of all human caused methane emissions.

Join us throughout October for our webinar series on regulating methane. Three upcoming webinars set out to inspire fast action by providing multiple examples of methane regulations and policies in the three largest emitting sectors: fossil fuels, agriculture and waste.    

News from our partners

WHO releases new, stricter, Air Quality Guidelines to save lives

The new guidelines are based on a marked increase in scientific evidence that show air pollution damages human health at even lower concentrations than previously thought.

Uganda: Increasing institutional capacity to monitor and report climate and clean air actions

Through a new CCAC-funded project, Uganda looks to enhance policy frameworks to address SLCP emissions in the transport and waste sectors and enhance its revised NDC.

First assessment of Short-Lived Climate Pollutant emissions and mitigation opportunities in Dominican Republic published

Dominican Republic’s updated climate change commitment acknowledges the importance of actions on SLCPs and local air pollution and health benefits from climate change action.

Federal States of Micronesia joins the CCAC

Micronesia has committed to accelerating the HFC phasedown under the Kigali Amendment domestically and to helping other countries with implementation and continues to work under the Montreal Protocol to this end.


October 4-8 East Africa Regional Dialogues: "Methane mitigation ambitions in the livestock sector: Strengthening institutional capacities and building networks to enhance climate action" This event will facilitate a discussion on climate action in livestock systems and address technical and institutional issues related specifically to methane mitigation in the livestock sector.

October 8 CCAC Working Group meeting (for partners only) The agenda will include approval of the revised CCAC Framework and Engagement Strategies, and the launch of a process for CCAC Partners to express interest in joining the CCAC Hubs

October 21 Embedding SLCP mitigation objectives in livestock development strategies for scaled-up action: the case of Ethiopia and Bangladesh This event will demonstrate how SLCP reduction approaches can be prioritized in country-level livestock development investments, building on the lessons learned from CCAC-funded World Bank projects in Ethiopia and Bangladesh.

November 9 1st Climate & Clean Air Ministerial (by invitation only) This meeting will bring together CCAC partner Ministers and Leaders to step up ambition and action to address climate and clean air issues – with a special focus on methane.

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