CDP CCAC Partner since 2012 Breadcrumb Home Our Partners CDP CDP works with investors, companies, and governments to drive environmental disclosure and action that will deliver a sustainable economy, prevent dangerous climate change and protect natural resources: CDP supports corporate commitments on short-lived Climate pollutants through the We Mean Business initiative. Here is some more information for companies on CDP’s website. CDP’s climate change questionnaire closely aligns its reporting requirements of GHG emissions with the UNFCCC and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and therefore asks companies to report on the Kyoto greenhouse gases, including short-lived climate pollutants of the hydrofluorocarbon family of gases (HFCs) and methane (CH4). CDP’s cities questionnaire also supports reporting on the short-lived climate pollutants CH4 and HFCs through emissions inventory reporting. Reporting of the Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emissions (GPC) is one of the methodologies supported through the reporting process. CDP also issues a set of sector-specific disclosures for the oil and gas industry, which includes a section focusing on companies’ approaches to and quantification of methane emissions from the natural gas value chain. The Oil & Gas sector module, which goes out to over 300 Oil & Gas companies, asks about their participation in voluntary methane emissions reduction programs, including the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Oil & Gas Methane Partnership CDP’s states and regions questionnaire includes a question in the Industry section on whether disclosing governments have established a plan to reduce short-lived climate pollutants. Disclosing governments are asked whether their region is taking this action, if so what is the scale of the action’s implementation and the option to provide further information describing the action. The questionnaire also supports reporting on the short-lived climate pollutants CH4 and HFCs through emissions inventory reporting. Address 4th Floor Plantation Place South, 60 Great Tower StreetLondon EC3R 5AD,United Kingdom CCAC projects Previous Next No results yet. See all Related resources Online Training & Materials 2017 How states and regions can reduce dangerous air pollutants (findings from North America) Online Training & Materials 2017 How states and regions can reduce dangerous air pollutants (findings from Europe) See all Related news and updates No results yet. See all
Online Training & Materials 2017 How states and regions can reduce dangerous air pollutants (findings from North America)
Online Training & Materials 2017 How states and regions can reduce dangerous air pollutants (findings from Europe)