Fiji CCAC Partner since 2024 Breadcrumb Home Our Partners Fiji Fiji has taken considerable steps in developing national capacity and implementing actions consistent with its national strategies through the "Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) project to set up sectoral monitoring, reporting, and verification systems for the agriculture sector", and a proposed project on livestock inventory development with the Australian Centre or International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). The ICAT project developed the guidance document and manual for the greenhouse gas inventory for the livestock and rice cultivation sector; conducted a greenhouse gas and sustainable development impact assessment of two agriculture policies; and formulated a national inventory systems guideline for the agriculture sector. While the ACIAR project intends to develop a tier 2 monitoring, reporting, and verificiation system for livestock in Fiji; to build a pathway to integrate greenhouse gas mitigation from livestock into Fiji's Nationally Determined Contributions to provide a formal foundation for policy; and to build Fiji's capacity to continue to improve the national inventory and support policy development into the future.