Image Thailand CCAC Partner since 2019 CCAC projects Other activities Related resources News Breadcrumb Home Our Partners Thailand Thailand became a partner of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2019 and announced its commitment to reducing short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). Thailand has since worked with the CCAC on various projects to advance national mitigation efforts, such as quantifying the emissions from inland heavy-duty water transport vehicles and advancing measures identified in a CCAC report to integrate air pollution and climate change actions into institutions and policies. In a knowledge exchange with CCAC partners and Thailand’s Pollution Control Department, Siwaporn Rungsiyon, the Director of the Transboundary Air Pollution Division, highlighted the alignment of Thailand's national planning goals with CCAC activities. "[Thailand aims] to build up capacity with the Pollution Control Department for integrated air pollution and climate change planning and an analysis of our mitigation, and to identify climate change benefits of current air pollution strategies and air pollution benefits of current climate change strategies in Thailand." The government is moving to mitigate the current climate crisis with policies and plans that address both carbon and short-lived climate pollutant emissions from the main emitting sectors biomass burning, vehicles and industrial production. In 2015, Thailand introduced the Climate Change Master Plan (2015-2050), a multi-sectoral framework which outlines integrated policies and action plans to achieve low carbon development, climate change resilience initiatives, and provide mechanisms and tools for different ministries to undertake sectoral action plans. It sets out action plans in the waste and agriculture sectors, where the most prominent greenhouse gas is methane. This was followed by the National Solid Waste Management Master Plan (2016-2021) in 2016, which aims to encourage citizens to follow the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) in minimizing waste production, introduce centralized facilities for waste utilization, and convene relevant sectors to participate in managing solid and hazardous waste. This integrated programme emphasizes the waste-to-energy path and co-benefits for health, the local economy, and the climate. Measures included targeting and reducing open dumping sites and increasing proper waste disposal systems and implementing waste separation policies. The Agriculture Strategic Plan on Climate Change (2017-2021) looks to enhance climate resilience and adaptation while also mitigating greenhouse gases in the sector to achieve sustainable development goals. New integrated agricultural management and production practices will be implemented to increase crop yields, livestock productivity, and biogas capture while improving food and economic security for farmers. The Sustainable Transport Master Plan comprises of a short-term programme from 2013-2017 and a long-term programme from 2018-2030 to increase the development of an environmentally sustainable transport system, build monitoring and evaluative frameworks for these projects, manage transportation systems for sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction, and promote research and public awareness. Measures include improving non-motorized transport, introducing new vehicle emission standards, and improving railway systems. The Integrated Energy Blueprint, which includes plans for power development, energy efficiency, alternative energy development, and oil and gas development, will contribute to an ongoing energy transition and support the transition to cleaner energy solutions. The Thailand Oil Plan (2015-2036) will align fossil fuel management with other energy plans such as the Energy Efficiency Plan and the Alternative Energy Development Plan and work towards the Alternative Energy Development Plan (2015-2036) target of achieving 20,000 MW of renewable energy and supplying 20% of net national electricity demand with renewable sources by 2036. Solutions to reach this target will include the use of biofuel, such as compressed bio-methane, which is set to reach 4,800 tonnes/day by 2036. Read below for more highlights of Thailand’s work: CCAC projects Previous Next Thailand – National planning on short-lived climate pollutants National policy and planning Thailand – National planning on short-lived climate pollutants Thailand: Integrated air pollution and climate change mitigation assessment National policy and planning Thailand: Integrated air pollution and climate change mitigation assessment Promoting low emissions rice production in Thailand Agriculture Promoting low emissions rice production in Thailand Advancing the Clean Air, Health and Climate Integration Agenda in the ASEAN Region Emissions assessments, Public health, National policy and planning Advancing the Clean Air, Health and Climate Integration Agenda in the ASEAN Region Developing an emissions inventory for inland water transport in Bangkok, Thailand Heavy-duty vehicles and engines Developing an emissions inventory for inland water transport in Bangkok, Thailand See all Other activities Air quality The National Master Plan for Open Burning (2004-2009) enacts the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, which has action areas in agriculture waste management, community waste management, and forest fire management. The Plan identifies areas of transition to renewable energy and where to promote public awareness and enhance regulations on burning control. Agriculture The Thai-German Climate Programme (2018-2021), supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), aims to support Thailand with NDC operationalization across different sectors, such as developing monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems and mobilizing funds. The Agriculture Project in particular has introduced a national training programme for sustainable rice farming practices and technologies, developing standards for rice cultivation, and supporting policymakers with MRV and formulating emission reduction targets. Cooling In accordance to the Montreal Protocol, Thailand undertook a two-stage HCFC Phaseout Management Plan. In the first stage from 2013-2018, a 15% reduction from baseline tonnage of HFCs was achieved by 2018. The goals for phase 2 of the project is to achieve reductions of HCFC consumption by 35% in 2020, 67.5% in 2025, and 100% by 2030 from the baseline HCFC consumption in 2013 of 927.6 ODP tons. Thailand plans to ratify the Kigali Amendment soon. Waste The Zero Waste Thailand Flagship Program (2016-2017) reduced municipal solid waste disposal by 5% in the duration of the program by increasing education and awareness around household waste separation and scaling up the capacity of industrial facilities to dispose of hazardous and infectious waste Address Pollution Control DepartmentBangkok,Thailand Related resources Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2020 Emissions Inventory for Inland Water Transport in Bangkok, Thailand Event Documents 2019 Summary Report of the ASEAN Member States Meeting on Soot-Free Transport Guidelines & Tools 2019 Integrating short-lived climate pollutants into Asian NDCs: a survey with recommendations Guidelines & Tools 2019 25 clean air measures for Asia and the Pacific See all Related news and updates Using Climate-Smart Rice to Reduce Methane Emissions from Agriculture Project update 01 Dec 2022 Using Climate-Smart Rice to Reduce Methane Emissions from Agriculture Air pollution is choking Bangkok, but a solution is in reach News 01 Feb 2019 Air pollution is choking Bangkok, but a solution is in reach See all
Thailand – National planning on short-lived climate pollutants National policy and planning Thailand – National planning on short-lived climate pollutants
Thailand: Integrated air pollution and climate change mitigation assessment National policy and planning Thailand: Integrated air pollution and climate change mitigation assessment
Promoting low emissions rice production in Thailand Agriculture Promoting low emissions rice production in Thailand
Advancing the Clean Air, Health and Climate Integration Agenda in the ASEAN Region Emissions assessments, Public health, National policy and planning Advancing the Clean Air, Health and Climate Integration Agenda in the ASEAN Region
Developing an emissions inventory for inland water transport in Bangkok, Thailand Heavy-duty vehicles and engines Developing an emissions inventory for inland water transport in Bangkok, Thailand
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2020 Emissions Inventory for Inland Water Transport in Bangkok, Thailand
Guidelines & Tools 2019 Integrating short-lived climate pollutants into Asian NDCs: a survey with recommendations
Using Climate-Smart Rice to Reduce Methane Emissions from Agriculture Project update 01 Dec 2022 Using Climate-Smart Rice to Reduce Methane Emissions from Agriculture
Air pollution is choking Bangkok, but a solution is in reach News 01 Feb 2019 Air pollution is choking Bangkok, but a solution is in reach